12. ᴘᴀʀᴛʏ

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"let's dance."

Thalia was currently in her room trying to clean the gun wound she had gotten on her shoulder during the fight but she knows it'll be gone in 15 minutes due to the super-soldier serum in her veins

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Thalia was currently in her room trying to clean the gun wound she had gotten on her shoulder during the fight but she knows it'll be gone in 15 minutes due to the super-soldier serum in her veins.

The four had made it safely to her house and they all went to freshen up. Bucky was currently on his way to Thalia's room to talk to her. When he opened the door he didn't expect to see her cleaning a bullet wound.

He rushed over to her and helping her immediately, "Are you okay? What do you need?"

"I'm okay, just um- get that alcohol bottle and help me clean this, please", she answered him as she pointed to the bottle.

Bucky grabbed the bottle and a cloth so he could help, when he was about to put the alcohol fill cloth on her shoulder he looked into her eyes as if telling her to get ready, knowing it was gonna hurt.

She nodded and looked away when he pressed it to her shoulders she hissed, "Son of a bitch."

"It's okay, I'm almost done", Bucky reassured her in a soft tone.

Thalia shut her eyes due to the stinging in her shoulder and waited for it to be over. When they finished cleaning the wound they sat facing each other really close.

"Hey, Buck", Thalia whispered as Bucky felt her breath fan his face.

"Hey, Lia", he whispered back in the same tone, he felt this tingling sensation in his stomach. He knows what it is and doesn't want to accept it but he doesn't want to push it away.

Thalia just looked into his steel-blue eyes for a moment. Blue. The color of depth. Blue represents understanding and intelligence. Knowledge and serenity. It is the sorrowful continuation of permanent discomfort. A never-ending ache. Blue is knowledge and understanding, yes, but blue is also eternal suffering and resignation to the darkness.

Bucky started to lean in subconsciously, he just couldn't help it with the way Thalia was currently looking at him.

They were so close, nose's almost touching, eyes fluttering shut, breathing even, just as their lips brushed each others Bucky looked into Thalia's eyes silently asking for permission, just then a knock sounded at the door.

They both pulled away as blush settles at their cheeks. Thalia clears her throat, "What is it?"

One of the men that works for Thalia opened the door and spoke to her, "The guests will be arriving in 30 minutes, madame."

"Alright, thank you. Can you call the other two boys down to the meeting room? I have things to discuss with them."

"Yes, madame", he bowed his head and left the two.

"Come on, James. I need to talk with you boys and you need to get ready", Thalia said as she stood up not bothering to mention what almost happened.


"What's going on?", Sam asked as Thalia entered the room followed by Bucky.

"Well, first I wanted to tell you three know that I can most likely find Nagel. Second, there's going to be a party in like 20 minutes so get ready. I had clothes each of your sizes delivered into your rooms."

"Well, what're you waiting for? Chop chop", Thalia clapped her hands together as she ushered them out of the room then locked it so she could privately talk to some of her assistants.

"All right, listen up. I want security all over this building. No one comes in or goes out without me knowing so. I want you all to search the whole island for Wilfred Nagel and monitor him. If he leaves Madripoor then it's a bullet in your head. Lastly, I want the rest to focus on Sharon Carter. I want everything there is on her, phone records, schools, jobs, contacts, her damn SAT scores. Everything", Thalia growled at them.

"I want to know if she's breathing or what she's eating. Somethings not right about her. Well go on!", she slammed her hand on the table making a few jump, and the rest start working.

Let's see what you're hiding, Ms. Carter. Thalia smirked and left to go get ready for the party.


Later that night the people crowded and the music boomed through the speakers. Thalia, Bucky, Sam, and Zemo stood at the bar before they all split up.

Thalia just danced with a couple of guys and flirted with them knowing full well Bucky was watching.

Bucky was at the bar when his gaze landed on Thalia dancing with a guy. He felt this anger or jealousy as you would say when he looked at her. He knew she was just riling him up because that's what she always did. Bucky's metal arm clenched into a fist as he watched.

Thalia made her way over to the soldier, "Come on, James. Let's dance", Thalia left no room for an argument and grabbed his hand and lead him to the dance floor.

"You know I haven't danced since 1945", Bucky tried to argue but it was too late.

They danced for a while till one of Thalia's men approached her and tapped her shoulder. Thalia told Bucky to give her a second as talked with the man.

When Thalia went back to Bucky she said, "Hey, I found him!"

"Okay, let's gather Zemo and Sam!", Bucky said back as they both looked for him.

When the pair found the other two Thalia spoke first, "Found him! He's at a storage place."

Sam and Zemo nodded as the four left the house and went to their destination.

A/N: I think I'm super stupid because I just found out that Bucky's theme song is mixed with his screams

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A/N: I think I'm super stupid because I just found out that Bucky's theme song is mixed with his screams.

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