24. ᴛʜᴜɴᴅᴇʀsᴛᴏʀᴍs

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"a child, I swear."

As Bucky was walking Thalia to the front door of her house she looked at him, "Why don't you just stay? I mean, it's not like we haven't stayed together before

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As Bucky was walking Thalia to the front door of her house she looked at him, "Why don't you just stay? I mean, it's not like we haven't stayed together before."

"Well, I mean-, I don't want to be a bother-", he said in all honesty but she cut him off by dragging him inside.

"Nonsense, let's get some food from the kitchen, I'm starving", she said as she walked into the kitchen with Bucky behind her.

They silently ate their food, then headed to bed seeing as it was late. That night there was a thunderstorm and Thalia had a flashback.


Little Thalia knocked three times on her sister's bedroom door. When Nat opened the door she saw her little sister hugging a blue blanket to her chest with a frightful expression written across her face.

"Lia? Are you alright?", she asked and ushered her little sister into her room. Thalia shook her head and jumped when thunder sounded outside.

"Nat I-I-I'm scared", Thalia's voice trembled as she looked outside with big bright blue eyes at the thunderstorm with once again a frightful expression across her face.

Nat rushed to her little sister and cradled her, "Shh, there's nothing to be scared about. You know why?" Thalia shook her head in response.

"Because I'm with you, as long as I'm here nothings getting to you. I promise", Natalia said firmly with looking directly into her sister's eyes.

"B-but you're not a-always gonna be there, I know it", Thalia said with tears rolling down her puffy cheeks.

"I'll always be there. Always."


Thalia shook her head and went downstairs and curled up on the sofa, listening to the soft music coming from the music player.

Bucky went downstairs since he couldn't sleep and saw Thalia sitting there as the rain hit the windows, the wind sang, and the thunder roared with tears slowly falling down her cheeks.

"Lia", he said softly not wanting to frighten her as he sat down next to her.

"James, hi, um-, what are you doing up?", she turned her head towards him, not noticing she was crying.

"Why are you crying?", he said while looking into her eyes. "Wha-, oh", she said and wiped her eyes and cheeks and looked down.

"Hey", he whispered and she looked up at him with sad eyes and he looked down at her with a soft expression. Carefully and slowly, he lifted his human hand to her face, pushing some hair back and then gently gliding his fingers along her jaw as he inched closer.

He looked in her eyes for permission to continue and she let him, her eyes flicking from his eyes to his lips, and slowly leaned closer to his body. He closed the space between them, connecting their lips as one. The two moved in sync.

Thalia was now straddling him with her arms wrapped around his neck, his hands made their way around her waist, their lips still conjoined. The kiss was soft but had a deep meaning behind it that both saw.

Eventually, they pulled away due to the need to breathe. Their faces stayed close though as they looked at each other.

"That was-", Thalia started but Bucky interrupted. "Late", he said with a chuckle.

"I think we've both wanted to do that for a while", she said and rested her forehead against his with her eyes closed.

"You're not wrong, doll", he said with his eyes closed too. Out of nowhere Thalia giggled and buried her head on the crook of his neck.

"Did-did you just giggle?", he asked in surprise but a smile was making its way onto his face.

"Maybe", she said and moved her head so she was looking at him with a smile, a smirk suddenly made its way onto her face, "What do you say we continue this upstairs, Sarge?", she whispered seductively as she ran her hands through his hair.

"I like the way you think", he said, equally as seductive. He kissed her passionately as he picked her up and made his way upstairs into her room.

He held her with his metal arm and opened her door with his other. As he made his way into her room he slammed the door shut with his foot, then turned around and continued walking backward till his legs hit the bed.

He laid back and Thalia was once again straddling him, "Are you sure, Lia?", he asked her as he broke their make-out session.

"Замолчи", she said and crashed her lips onto his once more and the rest of the night went on.


When the morning sunlight came from the crack of the curtain, Thalia groaned and went to get out of bed but a pair of muscular arms around her began tightening, tucking her more into their chest.

"Stay, doll", he murmured sleepily with his eyes shut.

"No, Buck. Come on, you have to let me go, darling. I'm just gonna make breakfast", she whispered and managed to make her way out of his arms.

He whined at the loss of warmth, Thalia just rolled her eyes and gave him a pillow to cuddle with, "A child, I swear", she mumbled and rolled her eyes again as she made her way downstairs towards the kitchen in a black sports bra and red sweatpants while putting her hair in a messy ponytail.

As she made breakfast she had her phone playing music whilst she sang along, "Kiss me once, then kiss me twice, then kiss me once again", she sang softly.

"It's been a long, long time. Haven't felt like this, my dear since can't remember when", she swayed softly as she sang to the song.

"It's been a long, long time", she felt arms wrap around her abdomen and she was met with the familiar smell of soft gunpowder and vanilla.

She turned around in Bucky's arms, and they both swayed softly to the music while letting the food cook.

"I don't really think this is early so I just wanted to say, I love you", Bucky said with a shy smile while a blush dusted his cheeks.

Thalia laughed softly as her own cheeks flushed, "I love you too, darling", she kissed him and went back to cooking.

Thalia laughed softly as her own cheeks flushed, "I love you too, darling", she kissed him and went back to cooking

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Замолчи - shut up

Song- it's been a long, long time by Harry James

A/N: so.... it finally happened. I'm sorry if it seems so sudden but I thought it went perfectly seeing as they both developed feelings when they were in Hydra together just never thought about them or acted on them.

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