25. ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴄʀ ʟᴏᴄᴋᴅᴏᴡɴ

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"no shit, Carter."

A lockdown was placed at the GRC meeting in lower Manhattan, where Karli and the Flag Smashers we're planning to stop the GRC's vote on global resettlement

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A lockdown was placed at the GRC meeting in lower Manhattan, where Karli and the Flag Smashers we're planning to stop the GRC's vote on global resettlement.

"I'm almost there", Sam informed Thalia and Bucky who both made their way through the crowd of people.

"What's the plan, boys?", Thalia asked as she looked over her shoulder.

"Karli's gonna be close. Keep your eyes open. And Thalia, please no killing", Sam instructed them through the coms as Thalia rolled her eyes.

"Well, it could be anybody", the man next to Thalia sighed as they both continued their way over to the agents.

They walked past them as Bucky nodded at the men, "Sergeant Barnes, Ms....", an agent asked Thalia as two men pointed their guns at her.

"Romanoff, agent", she said with a certain power that made the agent nod to her in respect. "I would put your guns down, gentlemen. She's a Romanoff, if you shoot her, I have no doubt she'd shoot back."

The two agents lowered their weapons and let the assassins continue on their way, "And by the way, I called in some backup", Sam said making Thalia look at Bucky.

"Excuse me, sir, ma'am. Are you two supposed to be here?", a male voice asked them as Thalia turned around and saw a man standing there.

Suddenly the man tapped against the side of his face making a blue shimmer flush over his face before he grabbed onto the invisible mask and yanked it from his head.

After that, Sharon fucking Carter stood in front of them, "it's me", she quietly exclaimed as she looked at the two.

"Sharon? What are you doing here?", Bucky asked in surprise. Sharon grabbed them both by one arm and dragged them with her, "Relax, no one's looking for me here."

"Do I hear Sharon?", Sam asked them as they walked towards the building. "Unfortunately", Bucky muttered as the three stopped.

"Hey, Sam, thought is come and help", the woman said as she looked around.

"Thank you. You're risking a lot coming here", Sam thanked his old friend. "Yeah, well, Karli Morganthau seems quite dangerous", Sharon joked as she looked at Thalia.

"No shit, Carter", Thalia said looking back at her.

"They'll move on the building soon. Be ready", Sam said as he flew further towards the building, "Lia, Sharon, Bucky what's going on in you're end?", Sam asked them after a moment."Nothing. All quiet", Bucky answered him as he, Sharon, and Thalia walked next to each other.

"No one's moving towards the building", Sharon's voice could be heard.

"Karli's not coming in. She's forcing everybody out", Sam stated. "Ah, fuck", Thalia mumbled to herself as she too realized what Karli was trying to do. Suddenly it sounded like Sam was getting in a fight, "You guys are gonna have to do something!", Sam grunted.

Thalia walked in front of both through the metal detector. "Don't let them out of the building!", Sam shouted through the comms.

Bucky walked through the metal detector making the alarm go off. They all stopped and all looked at each other, "Oops", Sharon joked as she looked at them seriously.

Thalia just snorted and tried to contain her laugh. "Here's one of them", Bucky said pointing one of the Flag Smashers out and Thalia nodded, "Okay, I'll get the evac", she said walking away but Bucky grabbed her hand.

"I'm coming with you", he stated, clearly leaving no room for argument. Thalia just nodded and they walked away from Sharon. A woman came up to them, handing a phone to Bucky.

"Mr. Barnes, it's Karli", Bucky took the phone out of her hand and answered the call, "Karli?"

Thalia wasted no time in eavesdropping on the conversation as she walked next to her Winter Soldier. "Aren't you tired of fighting for the wrong side, Mr. Barnes?", Karli's voice flowed out from the phone.

Bucky scoffed as he walked down the stairs, "I've done this before, kid. I know how it ends", he said into the phone.

"It doesn't matter if I don't survive this. I'm fighting for something bigger than myself. With all the bodies you collected, have you been able to say the same?", the girl asked Bucky, her accent completely coming through.

Thalia and Bucky exchanged a look, "You don't think I ever fought for something bigger than myself? That's all I ever tried to do, and I failed twice."

"You think your cause justifies all this death, but in the end, the nightmares won't go away. You're gonna remember all the ones you killed", Bucky told her as he looked around, searching for any sight of her.

"Trust me", he paused for a second, "Don't do this. Don't go down this path."

"If that's how you feel, you should sit this one out", Karli sounded very impatient as she answered him.

"Come on, you know I ain't gonna do that", Bucky sighed as he looked into Thalia's eyes.

"Well, thank you. I'm glad you took my call. You've been a big help", she said before quickly ending the call. Bucky looked at the phone then clenched his jaw, "Damn it!"

The two quickly made their way down to the parking garage and looked for their motorcycles, Bucky's was all black but had green accents and Thalia's was the same but with red accents.

"I hope my motorcycle doesn't get scratched or some shit", Thalia said as she revved the engine whilst gently tracing the design. "Seriously, doll", he said while he started his own motorcycle and she just shrugged.

"Seriously, guys. You had one job", Sharon's annoyed voice told them through the comms. "You worry about your guy", Bucky told her as they both started to drive out of the garage.

"Race ya, Buck!", Thalia shouted as she drove dangerously fast down the street, and smirked when Bucky started going faster to catch up.

"You know, Winter hated it when you did this!", he shouted back as he tried to catch up.

"You better speed things up, Sam. The choppers about to take off", Sharon informed them all as she went outside the building. "Bucky! Lia!", Sam shouted through the earpiece seeing as he was still fighting Batroc.

Bucky and Lia slowed down as they turned down a street, Bucky stopped for a bit but Thalia kept on going, "We don't fly, man. That's your thing", Bucky said as he revved the engine and caught up with Thalia.

 That's your thing", Bucky said as he revved the engine and caught up with Thalia

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A/N: hello, hello, hello. So I'm in a good mood today which is totally rare but anyway I might upload 2 or 3 chapters today.

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