17. ᴋᴀʀʟɪ

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"can you like, be patient and shit?"

"Well, where?", John asked shaking his head making Thalia roll her eyes already done with his shit

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"Well, where?", John asked shaking his head making Thalia roll her eyes already done with his shit.

"Can you like, be patient and shit?", she huffed.

"All we know is, it's a memorial. So we're gonna intercept her there", Sam answered as Zemo continued to walk past John and towards a little girl.

"That means civilians, high risk of casualties", Lemar said as they followed Zemo.

"Alright, good, we'll move in fast. Take her by surprise", John said as Thalia glanced at Bucky and he rolled his eyes.

"No, I wanna talk to her alone", Sam spoke.

"I'm not losing her again", John said frustrated.

"Look, the person closest to her died, she's vulnerable. If there's any time to reason with her it's now."

"What? No. Wait. No! No! Stop. Hold on. Stop, okay?", John jogged to the front and stopped in front of Bucky and Thalia who both gave a glare, "I think we're way past reasoning with her unless you forgot that she blew up a building with people still in it."

"Sam, you walk in there cold, she could kill you", Lemar noted looking at Sam.

"Not if I do it first", Thalia said as everyone looked at her, she sighed, "Listen, I had someone leave a stash of weapons here, I also specifically asked for a sniper rifle. I'll be watching them like a hawk, if she makes one wrong move it's a bullet in her skull."

Everyone was in a bit of a shock, Walker had his face contorted into disbelief, Zemo had his eyebrows raised, Hoskins had his mouth agape, Sam had relief and shock on his face, while Bucky was wearing a proud smirk.

"That's my girl", Bucky whispered to himself.

"Well, I got her", Sam pointed his thumb at Thalia, "And if the op goes wrong, more people will die."

"You're gonna let him do this?", John asked Bucky, "Are you gonna let your partner walk into a room with a super-soldier alone?"

Bucky tilted his head, "He's dealt with worse, and he's not my partner. Plus he's got the worlds best assassin protecting him, who also happens to be a super-soldier."

"I used to counsel soldiers dealing with trauma, okay? This is right in my wheelhouse", Sam walked forward so he stood further than Bucky.

"Yeah, I know. And I know those soldiers, which is why I know this is a bad idea", John said.

"Wait, John", Lemar jumped in, "If he can talk her down, it might be worth a try."

John scoffed, shaking his head. He looked and pointed at Zemo, "We'll deal with you later."

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