ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟡: 𝔸𝕞𝕦𝕤𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥 ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕜

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"I'll never forget you, I'll keep you inside my heart and treasure it for a long time even until you fell asleep."

Hitoka took some seconds to calm down from her emotional feelings, she strengthens her heart to be able to reply to what he said. "Thank you. (Big inhale) I'll treasure everything you gave to me in the most special place in my heart."

Shoyo puts down his hand from her face and stayed quiet for a moment. Doesn't know what to say or do, nothing happens there. Only sounds of the wind, people walking, talking, and wheels rolling, either wheelchairs or stretchers.

"Are you scared to die?" Shoyo tried to start another conversation.

"Yes," Hitoka answered, doesn't even think about it before.


"I know, it's not fair, but it's also wonderful. They say our souls remain on Earth for 40 days, and I don't like that." Hitoka took a second to think about what to say next and who knows, Shoyo wants to something.

Hitoka looked down, "I once dream about it. I died, I saw my mother crying but I can't calm her down even if I want to. I can't touch and talk to anyone. No one can see me, hear me, or feel me. It's like you're really alone and can't do anything."

"But you won't feel pain anymore, you'll be safe up there with happiness and peace," said Shoyo with his natural serious face.

Hitoka lifted her head and widened her eyes as she looks at the male's brown eyes. She just knew something true but it's still complicated for her. "I know but, I still want to live a long life. There are still so many things for me to see and learn."

Shoyo sighed and pulled his dried lips inside, "I don't want to lose you, but what can we do? It's reality and we cannot change, skip, or reverse it. We can just accept and deal with it even if it's annoying or painful." Shoyo leaned to the wall near him. The room remains quiet again until Shoyo must go home.

The next day, Hitoka is allowed to go out of the hospital, though she's still not going to school because she's out in the afternoon. But she still visits there since club time is still on.

She walked into the school in casual clothes, she's a little shy about that because she feels like she's alone like that, everyone inside is still wearing their uniforms. She made it to the gym and saw everyone including the Tangerine boy were still in the middle of a practice match. She slowly and nervously gets out of the entranceway, though no one yet noticed it was her. She just stands there behind the first-year manager without being noticed by anyone.

The first-year manager feels some kind of energy flowing into her from behind, she saw the figure of her upperclasswoman. "Oh, Yachi-senpai! You're back!"

"Yes I am, I was on a... Family event." Hitoka made up a fake reason.

They both suddenly faced the match when the whistle, meaning the match has ended, blew. Some of the players go to the others to give tips, and some get to their bags to drink.

A sound of footsteps feels like it's coming closer to Hitoka, she faced where the sound is coming from and Shoyo is holding his water bottle. "Hitoka? You came, that's great! I was going to invite you to the amusement park together with all the other second years!"

"Okay I'll come, when is it?" Hitoka asked.

Shoyo moved the bottle he held with his right hand to his left, then points to himself with his thumb. "Right after this, I planned this all yesterday night so don't worry about tickets we got those covered."

Hitoka can't make her face stop smiling until she realizes something. 'He managed to invite Tsukishima?' and so she thought.

It's nearly 3:57 PM where the amusement park is getting crowded. The five made it there from the train station. They were going to pay for tickets at the entrance counter, but the line is pretty much a big hitch. It's pretty long, maybe as long as a train cargo.

"Tch, it's so long. And it's hot out here," complains Kei Tsukishima as he unzips his jacket.

"Calm down, Tsuki. Once we get inside we'll ride the Ferris wheel and feel the breeze!" said Tadashi Yamaguchi with his positive thinking.

"That's a great idea, and riding the Ferris wheel is on my bucket list!" Hitoka chirped and looked at Tadashi.

"Cool, you've made it! How complete is it?" Tadashi asked, lowering himself a little lower.

"Hmm... Around 50% Shoyo helped me doing them!" Shoyo heard it from behind and nods aggressively.

Time doesn't stop because the earth doesn't stop rotating, they finally just need to wait for 1 more group of people. At 4:27 they stepped foot at the inside of Miyagi amusement park. There's a lot of people inside, maybe enjoying the day where the summer half-term holiday begins.

"Bhaa we finally made it!" Shoyo relieved, stretching his arms and back which made a lot of crack sounds.

"Let's ride the Ferris wheel first, I'm bathing sweat," Tadashi advised.

"Yeah, let's go!" Hitoka was the first to head to the Ferris wheel, she's so excited so she's walking fast. The other 3 followed her from the back, dodging the crowd walking from left and right.

One Ferris wheel cage only fits for 4 people so Tadashi and Kei were separated from the others (and because Tadashi doesn't want to be alone).

The wheel started rotating, making all the cages go up and down in a circle. The west wind blows once they got high. The view from up there is also very beautiful, the forest right next to the park was seen and the shrine was hardly seen but it's there.

"The view from up here is very nice! I can see the shrine from up here!" Hitoka grinned while looking left and right at the view.

"Y- you're not s- scared?" Shoyo shivered in fear, he keeps looking down to the cage floor.

"You're so weak." Tobio gibed at Shoyo's height fear.

"You're not scared of the height, you're just scared of falling," said Hitoka, with a low and calm voice, looking at the view and them at the same time.

They made it at the top of the wheel, they saw Kei and Tadashi from behind them. "Hey!! We can see you from here!!" Hitoka waved her hands at them.

Tadashi noticed her from behind his eyesight and gave her a little wave back.

Hitoka headed back to her default position, sitting normally and smiling. 'There's so much to see, hope I can make it.' she thought again.

They made it back on the ground, most of them were hungry so they're gonna go eat something from the park. "The view was epic up there, wasn't it, Shoyo?" Hitoka asked cheerfully.

"Y- Yeah. And terrifying..." answered Shoyo, holding his arm while walking.

"Please, it's not that high anyway, don't tell me you're afraid of heights? Don't you want to be high?" teased Kei indirectly.

Shoyo lost his temper a little, "Yeah but not that tall!" Shoyo growled at Kei, of course, Kei just smirks at him.

"As I said, you're not afraid of heights, you're just afraid of falling." Hitoka corrected.

"Yeah, I think that's what you're afraid of," Tadashi affirmed.

They made it to the food area, there's a lot of food they like so it's hard to choose, a lot of people were there too so it's hard to see, it's also hard to walk without crashing to others sometimes.

There's a lot of food Hitoka likes, but there are a few foods that she can eat, like sushi for example. She said to herself that she can't eat sushi because it's raw fish and she cannot eat raw fish with cirrhosis of the liver. She also believed that she cannot eat her favorite food, Fugashi.

To Be Continued Next Chapter

Her Bucket List [Shoyo Hinata x Hitoka Yachi]Where stories live. Discover now