ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟝: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℙ𝕦𝕕𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝔸𝕟𝕕 ℍ𝕚𝕤 𝕂𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕞𝕓𝕒

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Last night, Shoyo studied about Hitoka's cirrhosis of the liver. The disease cannot be cured, it can only be treated. Live expectancy is 6 months to 2 years, but most people can live a normal life. When looking at a cirrhosis patient image, he was surprised. They're pretty fat, it's like they're pregnant, but Hitoka is still as slim as the normal days. He planned to ask her tomorrow at school.

-15th March 2013 (Friday)-

Today, The Metropolitan Nekoma High School is having a practice match at Karasuno. Nekoma high is Shoyo's friend, Kozume Kenma, high school. Kenma is now the third year, and probably the captain of the team.

School is now over, Shoyo raced to the gym with Tobio. Though Tobio ends up winning cause he started earlier and his feet are long. They saw the third years setting up the net then there's Noya and Ryuunosuke just clearing the small leaves that went in the gym.

Just around 30 minutes preparing up the place and themselves, the Nekoma volleyball team has made it to the gym. The aura inside changes fast like in a video game, the appearance of the stage's enemy who is a higher level than you.

The practice match started with Yamaguchi serving the ball to the other side of the net. The service went perfectly, so the match goes on. Karasuno took it very seriously considering Nekoma has never lost in any match. Karasuno won the first set in 23-25, it's now a quick break time for both teams. Kenma, as usual, observing every inch of Shoyo's movement, way of playing, and technique.

The match continues in the second set with a 5-6 (Nekoma - Karasuno) after around 10 minutes. It is not as strong when Kuroo Tetsurou was there leading the team, but it's still very hard to get a point when there's Lev, Kenma, and Taketora around. They got a 25-24 so they must continue until one of the teams gets a 2 digit point higher than the other team.

Nekoma finally wins with a 28-26 point. It's now the last set, whoever wins this set wins the whole match. They really took this match seriously, but they cannot stop Lev's spike at the end, Nekoma ended up winning with 26-24. They really are an unstoppable team.

Shoyo remembered he was planning to ask Hitoka something about her cirrhosis, he walked up to her who was going out of the gym to inside the school. He caught her with both his hands on her shoulder and jumped. "Hitoka!!'

"Wah! Shoyo! You did great out there!" Hitoka turns to the jumpy tangerine.

"I got something to ask, but since it's our secret, I suggest we must hide." Shoyo grabbed her hand and walked to the back of the gym then behind a bush.

"I studied about your disease yesterday night, I saw the patients and they're really fat, it's like they're pregnant. How could you still be... Not fat?" he asked quietly.

"Most people do get a rapid weight gain, but not me. The doctors explain that to me but I forgot why. But all I remember is that I go the opposite, I lose weight but not much. I'm probably around 38 kg now." Hitoka answered, also quietly.

"That means you're underweight, no wonder you're so light when I carry you that day," said Shoyo as he closed his eyes and grinned at her. Hitoka was blushing to see him smiling at her like that, 'he looks so cool...' she thought. Shoyo opens his eyes and seeing Hitoka facing his left with her hands under her nose, covering her mouth.

"You're so beautiful, like the flowers under the dawn sky..." Shoyo whispered, with a gentle smile attached to his face.

"What?" Hitoka turns her head to him quickly.

"No, nothing! Let's just go back." Shoyo stood up with Hitoka and walked back to the gym, while Hitoka going inside the school like she was going to do.

Shoyo was going to pack up his stuff to his bag until he heard a melody coming from the other side of the gym. He went to the other door, and spot someone playing an instrument behind a tree. He walked up to the person carefully to not startle him or her. Shoyo slowly looks behind the tree and saw it was his friend Kenma. "Kenma! I didn't know you could play an instrument!"

Kenma startled a bit and dropped his instrument. "Shoyo! You scared me! Yeah, I've been learning Kalimba since I got this present from my grandma."

"I think I know that song, what was it..." Shoyo thinks hard, the melody was very familiar from an old song.

"This is Pachelbel's Canon, my favorite song." Kenma cut Shoyo's thinking and answered.

"Yeah, that! Your playing is so fine, the melody is so beautiful!" Shoyo praised with a big smile and little jumps. He's very jumpy and cheerful today, despite having a lot of weight inside

"Thank you. Aren't you going to go home?" Kenma asked.

"You're the one to ask! Where are your teammates and why are you still here?" Shoyo asked back, worried that he might have been left alone or something.

"They're going out exploring Miyagi, we got permission from our coach and he gave us 2 hours. I don't want to so I stayed here and wait." Kenma answered as he moved his head to the left and right to clear his view from his long hair.

Shoyo gave an 'mhhh' sound like an 'I see' and lean to the tree next to him. Kenma nods and continues to play his Kalimba.

Hitoka went back to the gym to grab her bag and go home. She heard Pachelbel's Canon playing from the other side of the gym. She walks past the other gym door and saw Shoyo was there from the source of the melody. She ran up to him, the melody slowly goes louder as she slowly reaches the source of it. She made it to Shoyo's side and saw Kenma was the one playing that song. "Oh! Hey, Hitoka!" Shoyo greeted.

Kenma stopped playing again. "Hey, I heard Pachelbel's Canon playing over here and I wonder who's playing it. Wait is that a Kalimba?" Hitoka questioned while pointing at the Kalimba.

"Yes, it is, you... Wanna try playing it?" Kenma offered with a deep voice, he's not used to being that social.

"I always wanted to try playing it! But I can't play it..." Hitoka went from a high and spirited voice to a lower voice.

"I'll teach you how to play it, here." Kenma handed over his Kalimba to Hitoka, she accepts it slowly.

To Be Continued Next Chapter

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