ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟘: 𝔸 𝕄𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕔 𝕊𝕡𝕖𝕝𝕝

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They ended up eating a simple egg Tofu. They did some pictures together while eating for memory, they talk about random stuff, and other things a squad does. But something is not right for Hitoka, is this going to be the last moment hanging out? Will she forgot about it? Or would she not?

"Now what should we ride next?" Asked Tadashi as he walks out of the Tofu stand.

"The roller coaster!" Shoyo suggested.

"Hm yeah, I'll die riding one," said Hitoka who feared the roller coaster, she's traumatized after riding one time.

"You can stay down here and wait for us," Shoyo reassured Hitoka.

"I'll stay with her, I'm not into roller coasters," Kei added.

"Alright, the last one who made it there is a rotten burger!" Shoyo hit the gas straight up the roller coaster entrance, leaving everyone behind chasing him.

So Hitoka and Kei just stand in front of the roller coaster entrance doing nothing while the others are waiting in line to ride it. Shoyo's all jumpy, Tobio's as normal as he can be, and Tadashi's in war with his fear since he's the one who asked what to ride next.

Once they get their turn to ride it, no loud noises were coming until the roller coaster goes down on a steep track. The screams probably are heard from the other side of the park, mostly came from Tadashi and others. Tobio seems like he's about to cry, he's holding his scream inside. Shoyo bursts out his screams but people can tell that he's enjoying it by that big smile.

It makes Hitoka happy that he's happy. She decided to take a picture once they got to a track near them. She snaps and took a perfect picture of the three screaming and holding the handle hardly.

The three hops of the roller coaster with Tadashi in a long-lasting trauma, it's his first time riding so it's kinda natural.

"That was fun! Dontcha think?" then there's Shoyo as happy as ever.

"Yes. Well, kind of," replied Tobio which is still tense.

"I don't know, I was fighting for dear life, I don't think I can ride one anymore," said Tadashi, still in a traumatized expression.

"Oh, yea I snapped a picture of you guys!" Hitoka showed the picture she snapped on her phone.

"Yamaguchi-san is screaming out from his lungs, oh then there's Kageyama trying to not open his mouth! Then there's me!" Shoyo's being happy as ever again, probably the effect after that ride.

They continue to enjoy that day at the park. Shooting games, bumper cars, holding bunnies, bowling, even Jenga. In every game they play, Hitoka snaps a picture to be a memory they can never forget.

They went home by train at 8:23 PM. Each of them continues to go to their houses by bus, Tobio walked on his feet since it's not far away from the station.

At home, Hitoka viewed all of the photos she snapped from the amusement park. She lied down on her bed with her fingers swiping right on her phone's gallery in her darkroom. There were roughly 9 pictures of them having fun, laughing, even arguing. She puts all of those pictures in her favorites, out of all pictures she had, it's the only ones in her favorites. She then puts her phone on the table and closed her eyes to sleep.

The next day, after school

Hitoka is sitting on a playground swing near the hospital. She's just in a mood, no one is there for her that time, her house is empty and she has nothing to do anymore. A black Japanese bobtail came by and rubbed its fluffy body on her feet. Hitoka gets down and pets the cat's fluffy blonde head gently. She seems to enjoy it outside, but inside she feels a little worried since black cats are signs of bad luck. She refuses to believe it, a black cat is a black cat.

From the time she stands up, a figure of his boyfriend, Shoyo Hinata, shows up 8 feet in front of her holding his bike and with dirt and bruises everywhere. "Hi Shoyo, didn't expect to see you here."

"Oh well, my assignment sheet flew off and got onto a tree so I have to climb it. Unfortunately... I fell."

"I can see that, come here, I brought first aid, there's blood on your knees."

Shoyo walked carefully to Hitoka, his walking was also a little limp. The cat earlier ran away too. He sits on the swing next to her who was preparing the first aid from her bag. She pulls out a small ball of cotton and checks the wound on his knee. "Looks like the bleeding stopped, does it hurt?"

"N.. not at all! I'm a man!"

Hitoka could tell he's actually screaming inside and enduring the pain a lot, but she just likes his childish personality so she'll leave it that way. She cleans the remaining blood in his wound with the small ball of cotton carefully and puts a small bandage on it. As a bonus, she kissed it.

"Wha...!" Shoyo exploded with a blush, he was so surprised, his hand moved and covers his face.

"It's a spell so it'll get well fast." Hitoka puts the first aid back inside her bag.

"Well, I'm sure it'll get well as fast as a cheetah now!" Shoyo moved his hand from his face and to the swing rope.

Hitoka sits on the swing next to him and swings it with her feet slowly. They watched as the sun in the orange sky carefully sets down to the horizon. Birds going home to their nests, the west wind blows fallen leaves everywhere. Hitoka suddenly snaps and pulls out her bucket list notebook from her bag.

She check-marked the things she gets to do, eating Ichigo daifuku, try playing volleyball, sees the sunset clearly, go to the amusement park, watches Hotaru No Haka, and have a boyfriend.

She rethinks about the things she wants to do. She wants to replace it with something more simple, but what should she replace it with?

She decided to think about it later and puts the notebook back into her bag. It's 5:28 PM, the sun is barely seen through the clouds and the high trees. A black Japanese Bobtail came again in front of the two. Shoyo came over to the cat and pet it. The cat jumps onto him, making him fall to the ground. They both laughed together at that scene.

Hitoka couldn't help herself to snap a picture of him and the cat. She pulls out her phone, opens the camera, then snaps a picture. It's a little bit blurry for the cat because of course, cats won't stay still unless they're asleep. But it's enough for her, she got Shoyo smiling brightly with the cat.

"We should go home now, my mom should be at home right now," said Hitoka.

"Oh alright, you want me to take you there?" Shoyo offered.

"Oh no need, I can go home by myself, it's not far from here."

"Okay, well see you tomorrow!" Shoyo grabbed his bike on the side of the swing and starts pedaling to his home and Hitoka going to the other direction.

While walking home, a thought suddenly passed Hitoka's mind. 'He cares about me so much, why do I feel guilty?'

To Be Continued Next Chapter

Note: Please tell me if some of the grammar is wrong, I'm not very good at English.

Her Bucket List [Shoyo Hinata x Hitoka Yachi]Where stories live. Discover now