Chapter 6 - Morning

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Roman blinked, his head pounding and his mouth feeling dry. A breeze ran across his chest, and he remembered last night.

Janus. Kissing. Bedroom.

They hadn't done anything beyond making out - Roman seriously wasn't ready for that, he didn't know if Janus wasn't, either, or if he was just waiting on him - but it had escalated to both of them losing their shirts and sleeping in Janus' bed.

He ran his tongue across the top of his mouth, doing his best to get rid of the gross, dry feeling before sitting up.

Well. Trying to, anyway.

There was a small grumble, and Roman felt hair brush against his jaw and weight on his chest. He glanced down and saw Janus still sleeping, although now it was much lighter. "Don't go, Roman," he said tiredly. "I want kisses."

"Mmm, I know," he responded softly. "I just want to grab some water, and then I'll come back, alright?"

"But you're warm," Janus complained, blinking sleepily and sitting up on his elbows, arms on either side of Roman. God, he looked adorable like this, his hair sitting fluffily around his head and his chest exposed, the colourful tattoos running across his sides and back. "It's cold without you."

"I know, sweetheart, but I'll only be gone for a minute," Roman promised, pushing his boyfriend's hair back and letting his fingers trail down his cheek.

Janus thought for a second before relenting, rolling off of Roman and onto his back, rubbing his eyes. "Fine," he muttered, shutting his eyes.

Roman leaned over and kissed him softly, satisfied once he saw Janus smile.

He got off the bed, spying his shirt on the ground, He bent down to grab it, turning it right side out as he walked to the kitchen, pulling it on and getting a glass of water, leaning against the counter as he sipped it, immediately feeling better.

He set it down on the counter, making a mental note to wash it before he left but not wanting to do so yet in case he was thirsty again, and walked back to Janus' room.

The bed had been made while he was gone, and now Janus was sitting on it in the same spot he had been, one leg propped up and shirt still neglected on the floor. 

Roman grabbed it, tossing it onto the space next to his boyfriend before leaning over him, smothering his jaw, neck, and collarbone with kisses.

"Roman!" he laughed, pushing him away. "What are you doing?"

"Giving you kisses," he said innocently, pinning his arms above him. "You did want that, right?"

Janus looked helplessly at his hands above him, smiling anyway. "I guess I did," he smirked. "Now, are you going to keep teasing me, or...?"

"Nope," Roman said, pressing their lips together. "You're too cute."

An hour or two later, Janus had managed to steal his shirt back from Roman, who was leaving. "Goodbye, darling," Janus said, grabbing his shirt and pulling him in for one last kiss. "We should do this again."

"We should," Roman muttered, wanting to answer but also not wanting to pull away. He found himself on the sidewalk, and he quickly made his way down to the subway.

He noticed that the train was relatively empty this time, so he took one of the empty seats, planning on letting someone else have it should anyone have to stand. About halfway between stops, the lights flickered.

"Uh...does that normally happen?" someone asked - not really to anyone, more of confirming that no, this was not normal - before the lights flickered once more, staying dark for a bit longer this time, and then the entire train was thrown into darkness.

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