Chapter II

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The sounds of shuffling paper almost seemed to echo in the quiet room. After their return from Kalm, Vianca had split off from her comrades to dig through old files down in the labs of Deepground. She sighed upon finding nothing but useless reports on things that didn't pertain to her. Sitting on her knees in front of a desk drawer, she looked over at the platform littered with crystal shards. It was the spot where she'd slept. When she first awoke, she didn't know how much time had passed or how old she even was at that point. Oddly enough, she hadn't physically aged at all, which only added to the amount of questions she had.

"How can all that information just...disappear?"

"It didn't." Vianca turned her head, a bit surprised to see Shelke strolling in. "There aren't many physical papers on the experiments that went on down here. Most of it is all on disks or stored in these old computers' files. But you don't even know how to work them, do you?"

The pale girl shook her head in defeat. "No. I don't think I was ever taught. I wish I had been so that I could find at least a few answers."

Shelke looked away briefly before sighing. "What is it you're looking for? I might keep an eye out the next time I perform an SND."

Vianca gasped, her expression brightening even though her tone remained rather calm. "Oh, would you, Shelke? I would greatly appreciate it." She smiled a little in gratitude, putting away the files before standing. "Well, I'm interested in piecing together my fragments of memories. So, if you could find anything at all about me, that would be enough. Anything about my childhood, or my experimentation, or even the scientists that I was in the care of. Honestly, I'd even be happy just to have an estimate of my current age."

Shelke nodded in understanding. "I'll see what I can do. Just don't get your hopes up, Vianca."

Despite that, Vianca was indeed growing hopeful. She wanted answers --- any answers. Just something to help her understand why she was there and what purpose she served. And maybe why she could still hear those three words echoing in her head. I love you... If anyone could find information, it was Shelke.


Vincent found himself jostled around in the bed of a large, armored vehicle. It was the preferred mode of transportation by the WRO. Working alongside the World Regensis Organizaion, he'd gotten things settled down in Kalm. But Reeve had requested his continued assistance, for Edge was now under attack. That's where they were heading next.

"Reeve. Who were those men?" Vincent's deep voice broke the silence, his crimson gaze on the man sitting across from him.

"Deepground soldiers," Reeve answered.

"Deepground?" Vincent had never heard of it before.

"Yes. The shadow of the Shinra Company, constructed by the former president and completely hidden from the rest of the world."

"Constructed?" the red-cloaked male echoed.

"His goal was to create an army of superhuman warriors --- not once letting morality interfere. The man you met earlier, Azul, is also a member of Deepground. But he belongs to an elite unit known as the Tsviets. The whole organization was kept a secret. That's why there's so little information on them. However, it's nothing like I expected."

Vincent leaned slightly forward with interest. "Not even a person in your position was informed?"

"No," Reeve replied. "Other than the president himself, the only people who knew of Deepground's existence was most likely Heidegger, Scarlet, and the head of Biochemical Research, Hojo." That name certainly caused Vincent to perk up a little. "After the president's death, the transfer of power to his son was carried out so quickly I doubt Rufus was ever briefed on the project. As for me, I was told the information was a need-to-know basis, and as an official in charge of Urban Development, I guess I wasn't on their 'list'. All the current intel we have on Deepground was only discovered recently. We came across some of Scarlet's old files." There was a brief pause before he changed the subject. "Vincent...have you heard of the mass disappearance that occurred recently in Junon?"

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