Chapter XII

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Vincent walked down the hall from the sick bay. He was giving Vianca a few moments alone to think. She was feeling a little better thanks to his comfort, but she wanted just another minute or two to grieve the deaths she caused and remind herself of what she was striving for. Vincent understood. He spent thirty years confined in a coffin, contemplating everything from his words to his actions. So if Vianca needed a few minutes, then that was the least he could give her.

A jolt of pain suddenly hit him, causing him to flinch and stop in his tracks. It was happening again, but worse than before. His vision blurred and turned red, and he was unaware of the growls and snarls coming from his own throat. His body had changed almost completely into Chaos. To him, it felt too surreal, like he was sleeping and caught up in a dream. He stumbled around in the corridor, flailing and clawing at thin air. His claws raked across the wall, leaving grooves. He paused upon hearing voices from a few women passing by, and he was on the verge of lashing out at them.

Vincent's plight hadn't gone unnoticed. Vianca felt a tinge of pain in her chest that made her jump out of her seat. She could feel Aegis reacting to something, and judging by the intensity, it was close by. She glanced at Shelke, who appeared to still be resting, then headed for the door. She clutched at her chest, struggling to contain Aegis. As soon as the door slid open for her, she spotted a winged creature in the hall. Her eyes widened. She knew exactly what it was. That creature was Chaos, which also meant...

"Vincent!" she called.

The demonic looking man whirled around to face her in an instant. His sharp canines gritted together, and his gold eyes fixated on her. Vianca was having trouble staying on her feet from the jolts of pain in her chest, leaning against the door frame for support. Chaos reached out toward her, but in an instant, he shifted back to Vincent. The male stared at her in confusion, unsure of what just occurred.

"What's happening?" he asked, looking down at his hands. "A dream?"

Vianca straightened up as the pain died down, looking toward the claw marks on the wall with horror. Vincent followed her gaze, gasping when he saw them. He recognized them, of course.

"Chaos was here, in your place," the girl told him.

She went toward him only for jolts of pain to hit them simultaneously. The pair crumpled to the floor, gasping as they grasped their chests.

"Am I losing...control?" Vincent questioned.

"If you are...then I am too," Vianca replied.

After a few moments, the throbbing pain they experienced died away. Slowly, they stood, catching their breaths. Vincent looked upon the claw marks once more, perturbed.

"Why is Chaos...? Why now...?"

Vianca was a bit surprised by his lack of knowledge. "You don't know? You no longer have the Protomateria that gave you control over Chaos. Like Aegis, he has a mind of his own, and thus, will act on his own if you are unable to remain in control."

Vincent looked down at his chest where Rosso had once ripped the Protomateria out of him. "So, that's it." He sighed and met her gaze. "But what about you? Why were you affected as well?"

Vianca shrugged her shoulders slightly. "I don't know. I think it has something to do with Choas. Aegis is the complete opposite --- a protector of life instead of a bringer of death. I can only assume she feels the need to stop Chaos from carrying out his task."

"Okay, dogs!" Cid's voice announced through the loudspeaker. "It's time! We're approaching Midgar! All hands to battle stations!"

Vincent shook off the remaining traces of the feeling. "Looks like we'll have to worry about that later. You ready to head into battle?"

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