Chapter XIII

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It was inconceivable. After going so far with so many depending on him. Was this where he fell?

Vincent had worked his way toward the heart of Deepground. He'd defeated Rosso, and even watched her fall to her death. He thought he'd beaten Azul too, but each time he thought he'd won, the Cerulean stood once more. His appetite for battle was insatiable. Perhaps that's what triggered Chaos to assume control. His claws were plunged straight through Azul's torso. Blood poured from the wound, coating the creature's claws. When he ripped his hand free, Azul stumbled back toward the railing of the large elevator, his smirk never once fading.

"It looks were...more beast...than I." Azul chuckled, already seeing his own demise as Chaos glowed red. "I'll see you hell." Chaos let loose a red beam of energy that hit Azul, sending him falling over the railing. "Hail...Weiss!" He laughed maniacally, disappearing into the dark abyss.

It might have been a victory for Vincent, but with Chaos out of control, it was as if he was losing a battle with himself. What would happen if he couldn't contain Chaos again? Would he simply play his part in Omega's awakening? Would he be powerless to save the lives of everyone he'd grown to care for? Chaos growled and flailed his claws about, as if seeking someone else to fight. He had no idea he was being watched.

Nero stood up high out of sight, peering down at the creature with fascination. "So that is Chaos. Intriguing. Soul wrought of terra corrupt. Perhaps I should simply let him live out his destiny of destruction. He could be the only one to break through her shield."

His darkness spread around him, though he unknowingly let Shelke's phone slip from his grasp. It went clattering to the floor, catching the attention of Chaos. As quickly as Nero disappeared, the large, crystal cocoon was dragged out of the dark void to take the man's place. The cocoon fell, crashing to the floor, just barely missing the phone. Chaos didn't so much as flinch. He stood his ground, wings spread threatingly. His golden glare was fixated on the being inside the crystals. He boldly approached and started viciously clawing at the cocoon.

Aegis set her shimmering opal eyes on the creature. "Chaos..."

Her cocoon suddenly burst, sending Chaos back along with small shards of crystal acting as shrapnel. The winged creature hissed, shaking off the crystals that punctured his skin. His wounds healed right up, and he faced the onyx being covered in glistening crystals that shined with a rainbow of colors.

"Chaos..." Aegis spoke, finally forming complete sentences. "Your time has not come. You must sleep once more."

Chaos only growled at her. In an instant, he charged toward her with his claws glowing red. Aegis erected a barrier between them. Chaos was angrily clawing at the crystals, and surprisinly, leaving marks on them. Perhaps he was strong enough to actually break her crystals. But before he could, Aegis had him surrounded. Crystals stabbed and skewered his arms and legs, holding him in place despite his thrashing. Blood dribbled from the numerous injuries, yet he didn't seem bothered by it at all. The female walked toward him, reaching out to place her palm on his chest.

"The planet cannot die yet. Life is precious. It all must be protected. Go to sleep until you are called upon."

Crystals started hardening over his torso, spreading rapidly in order to contain him. But Chaos began emanating a red aura, and a wave of energy was suddenly unleashed from him. It was enough to shatter the crystals holding him, and it even knocked Aegis into the pillar in the middle of the room. The female barely had time to react when Chaos launched at her. She put up a layer of crystals over her skin right before the male knocked her to the floor and clawed at her.

Chaos was emitting energy that seemed to weaken her crystal structures. Several of them lodged into his back in an attempt at diverting his attention, but his focus was solely on the other being. He chipped away at her protective shield, and when he finally made a crack in it, he wedged his claws into it and ripped it open. Aegis stared with wide eyes full of shock, and before she knew it, Chaos had plunged his claws into her chest, piercing the hard, onyx skin. Aegis let out a pained shriek, blood splattering the winged creature. For a brief second, Vianca resurfaced.

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