Chapter V

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The gunfire was almost deafening. WRO soldiers fought bravely to defend the headquarters. But no matter their methods, they couldn't stop her. Vianca was too powerful. Every bullet fired at her was deflected with a wave of her finger. She kept advancing, walking at her own pace through the corridor. She was approaching the troops at the end, her wall of crystals surrounding her and keeping her protected.

"Keep at it!" one of the men shouted. "There must be a way to get past her shield!"

The Diamond sighed softly at their ignorance. "Please move or I'll have to resort to extreme measures."

Her voice was calm, but it was drowned out by the gunfire. Shaking her head in disappointment, she slowly raised a hand. Crystals grew out from her barrier, creating jagged spikes. With a flick of her hand, sharp shards of the minerals broke off and flew toward her enemies. Like shrapnel, the shards ripped and tore everything they hit. The troops all collapsed, their bodies badly cut and shredded. Blood was splattered across the floor and walls. And only a few of the soldiers were even still alive, though their faces were so scratched up they were almost unrecognizable.

"I warned you," Vianca muttered sadly, shattering her crystals to stroll past the bodies.

She hated having to cause so much unnecessary bloodshed. But when people insisted on getting between her and her target, she was left with few options. She paused upon hearing a strained voice. Looking down, a woman laid dying by her feet.


Vianca crouched, gazing sadly at the soldier. "I wish I knew. I'm just as lost as you on that subject."

She got up and continued on her way. She looked around, finding things rather quiet. Where did everyone go? Are they all dead? What about the keeper? A sudden rumbling explosion shook her where she stood. Something was going on, and it wasn't too far from her position. She started running, heading for the source. She stopped when she realized there was heavy gunfire on the floor above her.

A crystal barrier formed around her like a bubble. With her body shielded, she then formed a massive spire that grew up, ripping its way through the ceiling. Rubble fell, submerging her for a moment until she broke out. Making a crystal platform under her feet, she raised herself up through the opening she created. She almost immediately locked eyes with Vincent, and saw his gun already in hand. She turned her attention to the Cerulean laying on his back, in an almost death-like state from the battle with Vincent.

A loud giggle escaped the girl as she rid herself of her barrier, hopping down beside the fallen Tsviet. "How amusing to see you like this, Azul." Her light voice was rather playful. She peered down at the giant of a man, crouching by his head. "This is what happens when you refuse my help." She smiled bitterly. "You remember when you yelled at me and lashed out at me before?" Crystals formed like a wave of water around Azul, the tips pointed like needles. "It would be so easy to pay you back for that right now. But..." The crystals shattered into harmless flecks. "You're fortunate that I never learned to crave revenge."

Vincent kept his finger on the trigger of his gun, unsure whether Vianca would fight him. "You saved me the trouble of hunting you down. I suggest you give up unless you want to end up like your friend there."

The girl set her gaze on him, a gentle smile on her lips as she stood. "Friend? I have no friends. I have only me." She made a fist, all of her crystals, including the spire, shattering. Sparkling flecks fell like rain around them. "I'm sure you know why I'm here, Vincent Valentine." She held a hand out. "Give me the Protomateria and we can end this peacefully."

The man only stared at her with his usual stoic expression. "What connection does the Protomateria have with Omega?"

Vianca frowned, her hand falling to her side. "I don't know. All I know is that it's important to Weiss, and..." She hung her head sadly. "It will help me discover who I am."

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