Chapter XVIII

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That voice. It was so familiar. Yet, as much as she wanted to, Vianca couldn't seem to wake up. She was trapped in an endless field of crystal flowers, sitting among them. It wasn't unpleasant, but it was rather lonely. She didn't know how or why she was there. But the absolute silence was broken by that voice. Her voice.

"Why are you still waiting here?"

The girl lifted her head, her pale violet gaze locking onto rainbow ones. "Aegis..." She sighed. "I...don't really know. I guess I'm just tired. My body feels heavy."

Aegis hummed, sitting down on her knees in front of the girl. "You're recovering. Given the circumstances, I suppose it can't be helped." She smiled lightly, her golden hair flowing behind her like waves in the breeze. "My task is finished now. I can rest for eternity."

Vianca cocked her head to the side, puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"We stopped Omega. The planet and all life she harbors is safe. I am no longer needed here." Aegis stood, turned, and started to walk away.

The white-haired girl was quick to jump to her feet, snatching the being's arm. "Wait. What are you talking about? You've always been a part of me. What will happen once you're gone?"

Aegis looked back at her with a smile. "Do not fear. Your body has been enhanced through experimentation, and I will leave my power with you even after we part. Nothing will change." A gust of wind blew over them, and Aegis looked out at the horizon longingly. "The planet calls to me. It's time for me to sleep." She looked at the girl, lightly pulling her arm free from her grasp. "It has been quite an intriguing experience. Mankind has shown me that life is precious. I will cherish every second, every memory."

Vianca suddenly felt the ground under her give way. She fell, watching Aegis and the flower field slowly fade as she dropped into a white void. She felt almost weightless. The gentle smile of Aegis was imprinted on her mind, and she steadily closed her eyes.

"Live, Vianca," Aegis spoke, her voice resonating in her ears. "Life is a beautiful thing. Never forget that."

Vianca smiled to herself. " precious..."

"Now, open your eyes."

Vianca's eyes snapped open and she gasped. She found herself enclosed inside a cocoon of crystal. It was like being woken from her long slumber all over again, except she wasn't greeted by Tsviet faces this time. Instead, she only saw old metal and rock piled up around her. She could feel a somewhat emptiness that told her Aegis really was gone. She clutched at her chest only to find something missing. She looked down, realizing her pendant was gone.

"No... No!"

Crystals erupted around her, violently throwing the rubble off. Her cocoon shattered once she was unburied. She frantically began looking around, her legs a bit shaky from sleeping. She spent several minutes just scanning the area, checking under every piece of rubble she came to. She finally collapsed on her knees, crying softly.

"No... Did I really lose it? This can't be happening."

A glint of something in the sunlight caught her eye. Lifting her head, she saw something silver hanging from an old pipe up above. Vianca stood, created her crystal wings, and shot straight up to snatch the object. She landed on a ledge and stared at it. It was a decorative chain with a Cerberus charm. She recognized it.


Finally, she took in the state of her surroundings. She was still in Midgar, or at least the remains of it. There was rubble and debris scattered about, and every building was dilapidated and falling apart. The bright sun shined in the cloudless sky, and it seemed to be a rather pleasant day. Though she did notice massive remnants of Omega in the sky above. There wasn't a single sign of anyone around, no voices or traces of life. It made the girl wonder just how long she'd been asleep. Where was everyone? Did they survive? Was Vincent okay?

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