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Months passed by, and life passed normally for most. Edge was a bustling city full of people. Cloud, Tifa and the others were carrying on with work and adventure, whatever suited them most. Shelke was making a lot of progress in regaining her emotions and personality, and she had fortunately been able to erase most of Lucrecia's interfering data from her neural network. She still had a bit of admiration for Vincent after all he'd done, and that seemed to be the only part of the scientist left, but it didn't bother her much. She was just glad to be able to live alongside him and Vianca. She enjoyed spending time with them --- her friends.

But today was not such a day. Shelke had made herself scarce and remained in Edge while the couple took a trip together. They had been doing that often. Vianca had wanted to see and experience what the world had to offer, and Vincent had promised to show her everything. It felt like the girl was learning so much each and every day. The man by her side benefited as well. He was reminded of the world's beauty, and the joy of loving and being loved made every day worth living.

Vianca held her hands over her eyes, trusting in Vincent to guide her. "Are we there yet?"

With a light smile, the male kept a hand on the small of her back as he walked beside her. "Almost."

Vianca could feel the cool breeze on her skin. She heard the pleasant chirping of birds, and the strong scent of flowers filled her nose. She knew they were in Nibelheim, but that was the only clue she had as to where they were going. Vianca had flown them to Shinra Manor, but then Vincent took over and had her close her eyes while he took her somewhere "special", as he put it. She trusted him, of course. He was her boyfriend after all, which was a term she'd only learned recently.

"Okay. You can look now."

The girl uncovered her eyes, gasping at the sight before her. They were in a little flower field with a few lone trees to provide shade. It was just like in the pictures Vianca had seen so long ago, only it was prettier than the books portrayed. And the aroma of the different flora was sweet. Despite passing that field in the past when she went to Shinra Manor, she didn't think much of it at the time.

"It's..." A bright smile graced her lips. "It's so pretty!" She spun around, giggling excitedly at the sights and sounds. "I had no idea all this was so close to the mansion."

Vincent's soft gaze wandered from her to the scenery. "This is where I came to relax when I worked as a bodyguard. Lucrecia would sometimes set up a picnic for us. That's why...this place is special to me. So many fond memories."

Vianca's smile faded a little. "Oh, Vincent... You didn't have to bring me here if it means that much to you." Some people would be jealous upon hearing their significant other admit a thing like that, but Vianca understood.

Vincent looked at her and shook his head. "That's exactly why I wanted to bring you here. I like this place, and I want to create new memories here with you."

Vianca went right over to hug him. "That means a lot, Vincent." She pressed her cheek into his shirt, her arms around his torso.

Vincent planted a chaste kiss to her head before she released him. He'd grown accustomed to speaking a bit more and showing a little affection to the girl he now considered his girlfriend. Though that side of him only came out when they were alone. He was still fairly quiet and closed off from most of the others, and he didn't care for PDA. With a soft smile, Vincent watched the girl skip over into the flowers, though she was careful not to step on any. She crouched to sniff them, taking in the sweet scents. She ended up sneezing, but her nose scrunched up in the cutest way.

Moving over to sit under the tree, the man watched her with admiration. Seeing her smiling and enjoying herself made him happy. She was like a rare blossom amongst the field of flowers --- radiant. Ever since life had calmed down, he'd taken the time to simply savor everyone and everything he had. He appreciated Vianca's kind and curious nature, and due to her losses in the past, he could relate to her. Staring absentmindedly at Omega's shattered remains in the blue sky, Vincent thought of everything. The past that brought him there, the present that gifted him with joy, the future that was left to the imagination.

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