Chapter VI

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She was on his mind again. Vincent had just gotten out of those monster-infested sewers. He was just an elevator ride away from Shinra Manor. But with the long wait inside the elevator, his thoughts began to wander. He knew going to that mansion would bring back many painful memories, but he had to face them. He needed information on Lucrecia's work. Thinking back on his first meeting with her, he would've never forseen everything that would come to pass due to his sin. Being useless when it came to the person he loved ate away at him. It always had. He assumed it always would.

Though another memory --- a recent one --- replaced the negative thoughts. The day he met Vianca. It was only a few days ago, but already she'd made quite the impression on him. She was strange and curious. She was fierce yet kind. She was beautiful. Vincent halted his thoughts right there. What's gotten into me? He tried to shake away the girl, but her lovely smile remained stuck in his head. The faintest of smiles tugged at the corners of his lips.

He was snapped back to reality when the elevator came to a stop. The door slid open and he stepped out. He was in a storage area within the manor, which meant he'd made it. A gunshot made him swiftly duck behind a large crate for cover. He spied them in the area. Deepground soldiers. He grabbed his gun, peeked around the crate, and shot at the sniper targeting him. He then picked off the rest of them with ease, then continued on his way.

When he entered the next room, which was a rather normal study with old books scattered about, he scanned for enemies, gun in hand. When he realized there wasn't any danger present, he put his weapon away. It was then that a glowing blue ball went rolling across the wood floor. It slowed to a stop at his feet. Confused, he reached down to pick it up. It suddenly glowed brighter. When the light dimmed, he turned upon feeling a presence behind him. Startled, his eyes widened at the woman before him.


"Vincent. Have you...come to check up on me?"

He couldn't believe it. She was really there, right in front of him. The woman he loved. He didn't know what to say or do. The woman slowly walked toward him. Vincent held his arms out, ready to embrace her and never let go. But his hope was crushed when Lucrecia walked right through him. He flinched and turned to look at her, her image flickering. He cursed his own stupidity. Of course she wasn't there. It was just a hologram.

"Omega. His awakening is upon us." The room went white before showing the crystal cave. Lucrecia approached the large crystal in the middle of a shallow pool. "Soul wrought of terra corrupt, quelling impurity, purging the stream to beckon forth an ultimate fate. Behold mighty Chaos, Omega's squire to the lofty heavens. I came across this passage while studying the scriptures of the Ancients. The Chronicles of Yore. Omega: The end. Just as all other sentient beings, he too, is born of the Lifestream. However, his only purpose is to cleanse the planet of all things living and lead their immortal souls through the abyssal aether to a new beginning far, far beyond the never-ending sea of stars."

Holding her hands out, light formed above Lucrecia's palms. It created a single orb that shattered in the next instant. "Just as life circulates through our planet, so too, does our planet through the universe. At least in theory." The crystal cave gave way to a beautiful galaxy. "What I can be certain of is, if Omega awakens, then all life as we know it will end. And when Omega has embarked on his journey to the cosmos, our planet will die. But if Omega should ever stir before his time, Aegis, the planet's failsafe protocol, is said to be born to preserve life and disrupt the awakening."

The galaxy disappeared, fading back to the original layout of the room. Vincent was still listening attentively. "I will leave a copy of my records here for you, Vincent. Though I... I cannot imagine what help they might be, if any at all. Just remember..." She bowed her head apologetically. "I am so sorry."

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