Chapter XI

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Vianca moved at a brisk pace, entering the sick bay with Vincent trailing right behind her. With the meeting over, there were only small bits of information remaining. It was just the personal things Vianca wanted to know concerning herself. The pair saw Shelke laying back in her chair, on the verge of dozing off. They quietly approached her.

"So...tired." The redhead looked at the two. "Vincent Valentine? This this what you doing something for care about?"

Vincent hummed. "It seems so."

Shelke tried to keep her eyes open in her drowsy state. "Dr. Crescent's data has begun defragmenting within my mind. I can see many different images. Images she experienced with you...and also things she did to you. She caused you much pain. I wish I could stop seeing it all."

Vincent didn't respond. He knew exactly what she meant. He'd had good times with Lucrecia, but also bad times. Unfortunately, the bad greatly outweighed the good. Those friendly talks and pleasant picnics couldn't make up for all she caused him. She might've saved his life, but it was because of her that he'd been killed in the first place. His love for her was fading and he was seeing her as more of just a friend. After all, that's what she treated him as. Only a friend. She chose Hojo over him.

Vianca lightly clasped her hands together. "Umm, Shelke? About the files on me..."

"Right. I already have them prepared on the computer for you to view." She weakly pointed to the spot she'd been vigilantly working at earlier. "Just press the 'Enter' key to begin. They'll autoplay in sequential order." She sighed tiredly. "Interference... Recovery... So... So tired..." She closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.

The two glanced at one another before quietly going over to the computer. Vianca sat in the chair, her eyes skimming the keyboard for the right key. Vincent stood at her side, leaning forward with his hand resting on the back of the seat. He pointed her to the key she was looking for, finding it cute how inexperienced she was with devices like that. Vianca pressed 'Enter', and just as Shelke had said, the files opened to show a list of recordings. The first was automatically pulled up to begin playing.

On the screen was a blond woman seated in a chair in front of what they assumed was a computer. She smiled as she checked everything, being sure she was recording. She was a rather attractive woman, and she gave a friendly wave to the camera.

"I believe everything is running smoothly. Alright. Hi, I'm Dr. Larissa Hauke. This is hopefully the first of many recorded documentations on my scientific studies. You see, I've always been fascinated by the planet, and I dedicated my work to learning more about the beautiful world we live in. I've been partnering with Dr. Valentine to learn more about the sentient beings the planet creates to fulfill her needs." She sighed and shook her head, getting carried away. "To put it simply, there is one I'm particularly interested in. Aegis. Of all the Weapons the planet creates, this is the only one said to be born as a human. Aegis is meant to be a failsafe to protect life should a Weapon manifest before its predetermined time. Perhaps to be born human is a way of giving Aegis empathy for mankind."

A man suddenly barged into the room, interrupting the report. "Dr. Hauke, your son is throwing a fit in the playroom."

Larissa sighed yet smiled. "I'll finish the report later." The recording ended there and the screen went dark.

"Dr. Valentine..." Vianca mumbled. She looked up at the man beside her. "Was that your...?"

"My father," Vincent told her. "Yes, he worked with Lucrecia, and apparently with Larissa as well. They all researched similar subjects, it seems. Though while my father and Lucrecia focused on Omega and Chaos, apparently Larissa directed her studies on Aegis."

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