Chapter III

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Vincent stopped in his tracks, spotting a wounded soldier. He was the first WRO soldier he'd found other than that woman, Shalua. Edge had been mostly quiet, but Vincent did occasionally run into Deepground troops that he had to take care of. He quietly approached the soldier on the ground resting against the brick wall. There was a large tear in his shirt with a gaping wound across his abdomen that his hand tried to cover. His clothes were coated in blood despite the rain.

"" the man choked out, trying to give the red-cloaked comrade a warning. "Squad...wiped out... Warehouse... They...were...gathering...civilians..."

The soldier fell silent and limp, the life gone from his eyes. Vincent gazed down at him sadly, wishing he could've arrived sooner to perhaps save even a few lives. He kneeled and gently placed his fingers on the man's eyelids, closing them. It was the only way he could give his poor soul a peaceful rest. Standing once more, Vincent turned away from the scene. He pressed on, deciding to seek out the warehouse the soldier spoke of in his dying moments. The rain soaked him, but he wasn't bothered by it in the least. When he had such an important job to do, he didn't stop until he completed it.

He soon arrived in a square where the heavy silence still hung over Edge. But a shimmer caught his eye and he turned his head. His eyes widened slightly at what he saw. There were corpses on the pavement, and others hanging like ragdolls from crystal spear-like structures. But beyond that, he saw a familiar ivory-skinned girl on her knees in front of a child. He recognized her. She was one of the Tsviets that he'd confronted.

Now that he knew who she was, he was wary. He needed to save that little boy. He cautiously began to move closer, his hand instinctively reaching for his gun, Cerberus, strapped to his thigh. As for Vianca, she noticed the boy's eyes shift to something past her, and his grip on her hand tightened. Her smile faded when she heard the footsteps, assuming it was yet another Deepground nuisance. Slowly rising to her feet, Vianca prepared herself, lightly tugging the child close to her.

In an instant, the Diamond twisted around and threw her hand out. Her crystal spears moved and grew through the bodies of the soldiers, shooting toward Vincent in an attempt to stab him. The male was quick though, jumping out of the way. Vianca suddenly recognized the stranger, but Vincent already pulled the trigger before she had a chance to speak. Fortunately, the girl had brought up a wall in front of her to shield herself from the shot. The bullets clinked against the crystal barrier, which she kept in place for protection. Vincent charged in, surprised when he found himself perched atop the crystal with the barrel of his gun aimed at the female's head. He had expected more of a fight from a Tsviet.

"Vincent Valentine," the girl addressed him in a calm voice. She didn't seem the least bit concerned by the weapon inches away from her head. "You really should not have come here."

Vincent glared at her, slowly climbing down from the crystal to stand before her, keeping his aim on her, just in case. "Release the kid," he demanded.

Silently, Vianca let go of the boy, but he only clung to her side out of fear. "I'm not holding him captive if that's what you're thinking." Sure enough, the child held onto her, refusing to let go. "But if it's me you want, then go ahead and pull the trigger. I wouldn't blame you for killing me, not after the horrible things I've done."

Vincent raised a brow skeptically, lowering his gun. "If it's so horrible, then why do them?"

Vianca looked at him with a soft smile. "Because it's the only thing I know."

Vincent was stunned by her smile. It was genuine and kind. Putting his gun in its holster, he watched her free hand calmly ruffling the boy's wet hair. Humming softly, the female seemed to relish in the silence as she tilted her head up to bask in the rain on her skin. She was quite...strange. Pretty, but strange. Vincent wasn't usually a talker, but for once he found his curiosity getting the best of him. Besides, any answers he could get out of her were better than nothing.

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