Chapter XIV

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"We're close now." Vianca looked up at Vincent beside her. "We're approaching reactor 0. That's where Omega's awakening will take place."

The two had fought their way through Deepground, working as a team. They were right outside of the reactor, in an open outdoor area with an artificial, cloud-covered sky hanging over them. Though Vianca was putting on a brave face, Vincent could tell. He knew she was probably still in pain from when Chaos had clawed her chest open. Just as the girl was walking ahead of him, he spotted her shaky legs beginning to buckle. He swiftly wrapped his arms around her waist, keeping her on her feet.

"Careful. You look like you could use a break."

Vianca tilted her head back to look straight up at him. "Someone's attentive." She lightly put her hands over his, easing his hold on her. "Thanks for watching out for me, but you don't have to be paranoid." She smiled kindly, and at that angle, cutely.

Vincent was thankful to have the collar of his cloak concealing the light redness on his cheeks. "Sorry. It's just..." He released his hold on her, watching her turn to face him. "Does it still hurt?" He reached out to lightly trace his fingers over her skin, right above her breasts and next to her pendant.

Vianca's pale violet eyes followed his fingers. "Not anymore really. I guess my body's still recovering though because I'm exhausted." When she looked up, her eyes darted past him. With a gasp, her expression darkened.

"A pleasure to finally meet you, Vincent," an accented voice spoke from behind him.

The male turned to face the adversary. "Nero."

"At first, I thought you nothing more than a nuisance. I was so hoping you'd take care of our Aegis problem, but alas, you didn't finish the job. It seems I can no longer let you run about unchained, neither of you. I must protect my beloved brother."

Vianca stayed close to Vincent, frowning. "Open your eyes, Nero. We're all just pawns in Weiss's game. Every single one of us."

"That is where you're wrong, Vianca," Nero calmly replied. "The Tsviets are expendable, yes. But I was always a part of my brother's plan, right from the very beginning." He exhaled deeply. "Dear Weiss. Powerful Weiss. He's the only person who ever loved me, and the only person I will ever love." The admiration in his tone whenever he talked about his brother always gave Vianca an eerie feeling. "But that is all forgotten. In a matter of moments, everything will change."

"What did you do with Shelke?" Vincent questioned, no longer wasting time on Nero's odd rambles.

"Shelke...?" the Sable repeated. "Ah, yes, what did I do with her? I do recall running into the lass when I journeyed to the airship. A feisty one, she is. The girl is inside me, lost like a little puppy."

Vincent pulled out his gun, aiming it at Nero. He wasn't about to waste another word on him, knowing they'd all fall on deaf ears. Nero was just as crazy as the rest of the Tsviets, aside from Vianca and Shelke. Pulling the trigger, bullets flew at Nero, who skillfully avoided the shots. The Sable retaliated immediately, his wings snatching up his dual pistols, unleashing a flurry of bullets. Vianca shielded herself with crystals while Vincent ran to avoid being hit, using his gauntlet to block a few shots.

Nero manipulated his darkness to attack as well, a void appearing under their feet. "I don't have time for these games."

Vianca gasped, her crystals elevating her from the darkness. But Vincent was forced to run, which was unsuccessful as the darkness followed his every step. He froze, pain shooting through him when his feet became trapped in the shadows under him. The female clutched her chest, which was throbbing in response. She could tell Chaos was reacting to the darkness, and Aegis was in turn. With the darkness enveloping Vincent, Vianca dove after him.

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