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quidditch World Cup pt2

"I'm so excited!" Maisie exclaimed, jumping up and down as they walked to their seats on the highest level.

Ron rolled his eyes, "Maisie, calm down."

She looked at him and scoffed, "Oh please, Ronald, you're acting like you didn't just cream your pants because of Krum", she said, walking in front of him as the kids laughed.

"Maisie language," Arthur said, walking past her.

"Sorry, gruncle", she said, rolling her eyes.

Hermione frowned, "gruncle? Are you feeling okay?" She asked, feeling her forehead.

Maisie smacked it away with a smile, "yeah, like a grumpy uncle", she said, shaking her head as if it was obvious.

Hermione pursed her lips, "ah yes, silly me," she commented sarcastically.

"Blimey Dad, how far up ARE we?" Ron asked, gulping as he looked down at the height.

"Well, put it this way, if it rains...you'll be the first to know", a voice rang out from underneath them. Maisie groaned at the familiar voice and looked down.

"snake", she grumbled, looking angry.

"Father and I are in the minister's box, by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself," Draco said smugly as he fixed his collar.

Maisie snorted, "yeah, that's not an accomplishment Malfoy" she laughed before feeling a hand wrap around her mouth; it was Fred.

"Don't boast, Draco. There's no need with these people. Do enjoy yourself, won't you? While you can," Lucius said, smirking before walking off.

Maisie pushed Fred off her, "what was that for?" she exclaimed, angry.

Fred looked down at her, "do you want a target on you, little Weasley" he smiled, as did she.

"Come on up, take your seats. I told you these seats would be worth waiting for," Arthur said as the kids found their seats, eyes wide with excitement.

"Come on!" George said.

"It's the Irish!" Fred exclaimed.

Maisie looked up with excitement seeing her favourite team flying around the sky, and she felt as happy as ever being here with the people she loved while watching the things she loved. "Ginny, look!" she exclaimed, seeing the dancing leprechaun in the sky; the pair laughed together as they shared the popcorn Maisie bought earlier.

"Here comes the Bulgarians!" George yelled as all the eyes diverted.

Five red figures zoomed through the sky as they performed stunts on their brooms. The crowd begins to chant, 'Krum! Krum!'.

"Boo!!" Maisie yelled, holding her thumb upside down sticking her tongue out. Harry laughed at her while Ron punched her arm, making her retaliate by punching him back, much harder than anticipated.

"Ow Maisie!" Ron yelled, rubbing his arm up and down.

Maisie rolled her eyes, "oh, build a bridge, Ronald."

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