The Royals

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March 11

Okay, among the top ten worst things to wake up to, Aden's scruffy face is high on that list. He was like, "it's Saturday, let's go."

"I'm a human. I need food, shower, a backpack full of clothes..."

"You're not packed?!"

"No, why would I be packed?"

"You're not getting it. Detective Slauson isn't outside. I don't know why he isn't here, but if we're going to enter the gate we need to get a move on."

I gave up the wrist watch my Uncle gave me for eighth grade graduation. "Just meet me at the gate in two hours."

"Two hours?!"

"I still need to say goodbye and write a note to my parents."

He rolled his eyes, but then he took the watch and left. I don't even know how he got inside, it's not like Mom and Dad forget to lock up when they leave. And my keys are where I left them.

I need to write a letter to my parents, Diary. I have no clue what I'm gonna say. "Leaving for two weeks. Don't look for me or call the police. I love you, bye." Yeesh. Let's hope this all works out.


We're still waiting for King Walrus and Queen Nephilia to see us, Diary. If they're talking to you can you tell them to hurry up?

I met up with Brandon before we left. I needed him to stay away from the gate until I got back and I wanted to say goodbye and thank him. My trip was only really possible because of him. So I gave him a kiss. It was only a peck on the lips. I was going to give him a peck on the cheek, but the more I thought about it, the more I thought it needed to be on the lips.

He was so shy about it. We were hugging goodbye and I leaned in and kissed him. His entire body froze. It was cute.

Brandon muttered to himself, "that was my first kiss."

"Well, I hope it was a good one."

That made him look even more confused, like he didn't know if he should thank me or what. I just giggled at him and then Aden made things weird. I swear he thinks he's an action star or a superhero or something.

"We need you to split." Who talks like that? Aden does. He's so lame!

He introduced himself as Nic to Brandon. I don't know why. I guess he thought that Brandon must've known Jad. Maybe I should just call him Nic. I don't like calling him Jad, or even Jaden. The Jad I knew never would've gone two months without shaving. He could've shaved at my place or Lily's at least five times. I get that he couldn't shave while he was in here with the Magicals, but why does he keep walking around like an angry hobo? Does he even care how he looks?

Day 1 in The Magical Castle

That was such a wonderful welcome party, Diary! I don't know if you're still up, but I am. It feels so good to be back here! I missed Mama Koko and Captain Alligator and everyone. I don't know if you saw when I gave Princess Platypus the business. Aden isn't even my boyfriend. He never was. I mean, he might've been if Finn hadn't decided to get involved. I can't wait to tell Finn what an assumptive hater he is.

PP tried to act innocent, like, "a Princess would never soil her bill on the flesh of a mortal."

Gimme a fudgy break! PP doesn't even have lust. She just wanted to hurt me. She wanted me to know that she's prettier than me, but she's not. Nobody wants to kiss a fudgy platypus, especially one that sings like a drowning rat! She doesn't even have lips. She kept doing that thing where she turns her bill into heart shaped lips. Kisses don't even look like that! I had to slap her kisses out of the air like five times. What kind of flirting is that? She's about as subtle as her dad.

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