Killing for your love~

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Yandere AU.

No Miraculous AU

Adrien and Marinette as yanderes (Fellow bottoms ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

This contains Lilagaminette and Lukadrien

Harsh language (?) mention of blood and murder

Both Mari and Adrien's parents are dead.

Angst (?)

"Hey! Adrien! Another fangirl?" Marinette asked. Adrien nodded in reply. "They can't just leave our senpai's alone can they?" Marinette grumbled, as Adrien dragged yet another dead body into the hideout he and Mari shared. "Yeah, they can just go simp for someone else." Adrien added, hoisting the body into the grinder.

Mari looked at the clock that hung from a mantle. "Shoot! Adri! We're gonna be late for class!" Marinette rushed out of the chair she was sitting in. Adrien rolled his eyes but followed Mari to their school.

Françoise Dupont High School... A private school that was for Celebrities, Rich kids and whatnot. Ever since Adrien's parents died in a car crash, he has taken the mantle of best model in France. Using part of the money his parents had left, he paid for both he and Marinette's scholarship.

"ADRIKINNNSS~~~" Chloe exclaimed while tackling Adrien from behind. "Uh hello, Chloe." Adrien pushed Chloe off of him causing her to pout. "Adrien, you done chit-chatting with your girlfriend? Cause I'd actually like to get to class on time today." Marinette said sarcastically. "Haha Mari, very funny." Adrien stands up. "Ugh, Hey Adrikins! Why not ditch the loser and hang out with me?" Chloe scoffed. "You-" Marinette was cut off by a certain group of three walking through the door.

Luka Couffaine, Lila Rossi, and Kagami Tsurugi. These three were no ordinary students, these three were by far the most popular teens in France. They were a three member band that starred in many concerts.

And it just so happens that these three are the people we're Mari and Adrien's "Senpai's". Mari was head over heels for Kagami and Lila. While Adrien had liked Luka.

Chloe noticed how Marinette and Adrien were practically drooling over the people that had just walked in. And she was angered, nonetheless. She stood and stomped away, wearing her signature scowl.

As soon as people noticed the threesome, they began crowding them, blocking them from Marinette and Adrien's view. Snapping out of their trance, they frowned and made their way to their classes.

Lila's POV.

Kagami, Luka, and I had finally made their way out of the mob of people and were making our class. Sitting down in our assigned seats, I took notice of how two people were staring at us.

A girl that had blueish hair and had bluebell eyes. Then a boy with blonde hair and light green eyes. I nudged my band mate/best friend. "Hey Kagami...Those two are staring at us..." I whispered. "They must be fans or something..." She answered.

"But they're staring at us very creepily..." I whined. "Oh my god Lila. Stop being so damn paranoid will you?" Kagami grumbled. "Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today." Kagami just rolled her eyes.

"But seriously, they're staring, I don't think they're blinking." I said. "Whatever. Just pay attention to class please Lila."

Timeskip by Kagami's glare~

Lila's POV.

After class I somehow had convinced Luka and Kagami to follow the two fans, and see why they were staring at us during class.

Following closely behind the two, we were met by...a horrifying scene. "Holy shit! They- they just killed somebody!!" I whisper-shouted.

"Lila keep it down!" Kagami said. But unfortunately they had already noticed us. They slowly advanced towards us, a crazed look upon their faces.

"D-don't hurt us please!" I heard Kagami plead. "Why would we kill you? You're our Senpai's." The boy's statement surprised us.

"We're your WHAT?!" Luka exclaimed. "We've killed for you~ Just love us back please~"

We were slowly back into a corner. Suddenly everything went black.




"Miss?" I opened my eyes and was surprised to see a hospital room. "Miss Lila, can you hear me?" A doctor waved his hand in front of my eyes. "My friends- Where are they?!" I whispered, my voice sounded hoarse. I cleared it. "Your friends are fine, you know you should really thank the nice people that brought you all here." I raised my brow.

"Who brought us here?" I asked. "I believe their names are Marinette and Adrien." The doctor explained. "Wait-" My memories were coming back to me now. "What- What happened to the people that murdered that girl?!" I exclaimed.

"Whatever are you talking about Miss? You passed out and you were brought here by Miss Marinette and Mr. Adrien." My mouth fell open. The doctor then left the room. Then two individuals walked into the room. "Wait- You guys murdered the girl!" I sat up.

"What are you talking about? We brought you here after you and your friend passed out." She tried to advance towards me but I backed away. "Don't touch me!! You murdered that girl!"

"We don't know what you're talking about...But I'm Marinette, and this is Adrien." She gestured towards the blond boy next to her. "Please excuse us but we are going to check on your friends now." They then left the room.

What the...?! What I saw couldn't have been a dream... Could it...?

Yeah this made no sense-

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