Blue Orbs (Lilanette)

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Lila was exposed in this AU.


Liar! Stupid Liar! Was all I heard...She'd done it. Ladybug had exposed me to everyone...Now I had no one...This is all her fault...No, it was mine. I shouldn't have lied. I was a fool.

I slid down the brick wall of my school, crying. I sat there sobbing for what felt like hours on end. Until I felt a warm pair of arms wrap around my shoulders. I looked up quickly and captured the sight of blue orbs.

"M-Marinette?!" I gasped. "Hey Lila..." She said smiling lightly. "Are you okay?"

"What are you doing here?!" I exclaimed, trying to process what was happening. "Well you looked like you needed a hug so.." She murmured. "Why try and comfort a liar like me...? I've lied so many times...Most of them to hurt you! So why-" I cut off by Marinette putting her finger on my lips. "Listen, I forgive you okay! I'm willing to give you a second chance! As long as you stop lying!"

My eyes widened so much that I thought they were gonna roll out of my eye sockets. "You...Forgive me?"

"Well that's what I said didn't I?" She chuckled. "Now get up!" She then helped me up. "You know Lila...You could have avoided things like this happening if you just told the truth..."

"I know...It's just...I needed Adrien's attention...So I told little lies, but I never meant for this to happen..." I sighed.

"Why did you need Adrien's attention?" Marinette questioned. "Well...My father, he...doesn't spend a lot of time with us...So I thought that if I started dating Adrien, I could get my father's attention and he would come back." I looked down at the ground. "Lila...I, I didn't know...I'm sorry."

"Nah, It's fine. You're the first person I told this to. I'm glad I could get this off my chest." I said sheepishly. "Why don't we start over?" Marinette then grabbed my hand and shook it. "Hi! I'm Marinette! What is your name?"

I giggled but played along. "Lila! Nice to meet you!" We both started giggling, but that turned into us laughing. But the stupid bell rung, ruining the moment between my Marinette- Wait- WHAT DID I JUST THINK?!

"We should get going, Lila. We can hang out later!" Marinette interrupted my thoughts, she grabbed my hand and we both walked to class.

Timeskip brought to you by Adrien's blindness~

"Okay class!" Ms. Bustier exclaimed. "This week you all are going to work on a project! In pairs of two! And no, you may not work with your friends. I will pick the groups." The class let out a series of groans and complaints. Ms. Bustier shushed us and started to announce groups. "Okay and finally we have Marinette and Lila!"

I could feel a few glares directed towards me. Then a few people started whispering and looking at me like I had two heads. Marinette came skipping towards me, stopping everyone from whispering.

"Hi Lila!" I could see the shine in her eyes. "Hello Mari- Uh, do you mind if I call you that?" I asked, meeting her gaze. "No, it's fine! Most of my friends call me that anyways."

I stood up. "So where should we work on the project? My house or yours?"

"Mine is fine!" Marinette answered, although she seemed distracted...At Adrien. I don't know why, but my heart dropped. "Okay...I'll see you there at 3:00?" My voice sounded hoarse. "Yeah!" Mari then walked off.

Timeskip again because I just want the ship to happen~

I sighed, walking over to Marinette's house. Surprisingly, it wasn't that far from mine. Walking up to the door, I entered the shop. "Hello! How may I help you today?" A petite looking woman, who I thought might be Mari's mother, asked me. "Hello, I'm Lila, Mari's-" I was about friend, but I wasn't sure so instead I said, "Partner for a project..."

"Ah! Okay hello dear, Marinette is upstairs!" I thanked her and made my way upstairs. I knocked on the door only to find a crazed looking Marinette. Her hair was sticking out from all sides and what smelled like cake batter covered her from head to toe. "Marinette?! What happened to you?!" I exclaimed.

"Uh...I was making cake and the batter attacked me...?" I chuckled, knowing it was most likely her clumsiness that was the cause of this predicament. Only Marinette could pull off something like this. "Come on let's get you cleaned up."

We made our way up to her room, I handed her some clothes as she went to shower. While she was in the shower, I decided to explore her room. Her room was simple yet beautiful. There was her sewing section, along with mannequins dressed with the most beautiful dresses I'd ever seen.

Wow...She's really talented...

I explored some more and found some pictures...Of me?! I blushed, my face as red as a strawberry. "Lila? What are you looking at?" Marinette walked over to me. She saw what I was looking at and also blushed. "I- Uh- It's not what you thi-" I cut her off by grabbing her chin and kissing her soft lips. We quickly broke away. "I-I'm sorry! I don't know what came over me!"

"No, it's okay...I liked it.." Marinette says. "Well um- surprise! I like you Lila!"

I looked at her, her face was still red. I smiled, "Me too Mari! I like you too!"

"R-really?!" She gasped. I nodded. She hugged me. After breaking away, I asked her, "Mari, would you like to be my girlfriend?" She nodded enthusiastically. I kissed her again, she seemed surprised, but she eased into the kiss. "Marinette would you- Oh my gosh!" Me and Mari quickly broke away and looked at Mari's mother. Who was shocked as expected.

"Mom! I- uh-" Mari started. "SORRY IF I INTERRUPTED!!!" Mari's mom quickly shut the hatch that led into Mari's room. And I heard footsteps running away. "Um- Sorry..." Mari said, scratching the back of her head. "Nah It's fine..." I smiled.

After that, we had happy years! We both graduated and went to the same college. And now, we are getting married in a few weeks. We just bought a nice house near Mari's new business. We still hang out with Alya, Nino, and Adrien, per Marinette's request. Everything's been going great for us! I'm so happy I met my angel...

Lilagaminette/Lilanette and Lukadrien Oneshots!Where stories live. Discover now