Miss You

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Y/BF/N: Your Best Friend Name

Y/B/N: Your Brother Name

Y/M/N: Your Mother's Name

Y/N: Your Name

Y/M/F/N: Your Mother Fiance Name

MB: Maria Brown

Y/A/N: Your Aunt's Name

There are 7 stages of grief: The first stage is Denial, it is when you start denying things are happening and it can't be real, you will say she's coming home tomorrow or they didn't mean it and they will take it back tomorrow.

The next stage is Anger, it's not  the type where you can identify that your angry, its more like you're lashing out at inanimate objects or better yet, you lash out at the people you're angry at and you can't explain why you're so angry, you just are and your brain can't tell you to stop, cause you're already feeling it and its best to feel it.

Then there's Bargaining, its where you point out what you could've done differently, it's the what if's that hunt you. Where you try to give something in order to reverse what happened, you start to try to regain control of the situation that happened and try to offer something to god.

Afterwards there's Depression, its where you get quiet and accept your feelings for what they are and have come to terms with it and how you should be feeling, you start to question your self worth and how you can move on.

Lastly Acceptance, is where you are okay with what happen and have come to what happened.

As you tossed and turned in your bed, you couldn't help but go back to the day your mom died, it was so fast, you didn't have the chance to breathe or say anything when it happened, there was some nights where you would relive it and you couldn't do anything about it.

6 Months ago...

"Mom, are you sure about this?" "The convention is so much money and so far away, I don't know if I can go and I don't want to waste your money" You said as you drove home with your mom. "Well, its a good thing, we don't have to worry about that, we have money from your channel, we can use that and I talked to the other parents, that's what they're doing, just make sure when you go to college, you choose to study social work like your mom." Your mom said. Before you could say anything, your mom had unbuckled the seat belt to take a picture of you driving, "I'm so proud of you and so would your father" Y/M/N said as she turned and sat back. "Please don't talk about that man" You said, which cause your mom to sigh. As your mom took your picture, you saw a truck out of the corner of your eye hitting your mom from her side.

Nobody was aware that the victims of the car accident was you and your mom, so when you hopped out of the ambulance yelling at everybody with updates to your mom condition, Y/B/N and Y/M/F/N was confused as to why you were even there.

 Y/M/F/N said "Y/M/N, Y/M/N, You're going to be okay" "I got you, we're here"

MB: "We're going to take good care of you don't you worry"

You and Y/B/N stood there while watching your mom friends took care of her. You just couldn't stop talking about going to the convention

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