[Chapter 1]

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"Did you see Aizawa in the hallway?"

"Yeah, he looked pissed."

Bakugou grumbled, shoving his head into his arms, trying to drown out the chatter of his classmates. The lack of sleep was getting to him.

"You seriously haven't watched it yet? Dude- come on!"

"Yeah, yeah, you've been telling me about it for weeks now, I'll get to it."

"Oh stop it!!!" A high pitch voice shrieked and that was the last straw for Bakugou.

The blondie snarled softly in anger before snapping his head up from its position buried in his arms.

"Shut it you extras! And get back into your fucking seats!" He yelled glaring at his classmates milling around the room.

"Well that's not how I would have phrased it, but yes, go back to your seats class," Aizawa said, walking into the classroom.

The students of 1-A hurried back to their seats after Aizawa's warning and the noirette began to teach class.

_ _

Before Bakugou knew it, school was in its last hour. The blondie huffed while turning back into what Aizawa was saying.

"In light of recent events at UA as you must all know, the higher uppers have decided to take emergency precautions." Aizawa gave a knowing look as murmurs rippled across the classroom.

Of course, Bakugou knew what the 'recent events' were. All the students had been told that Toga and Twice had infiltrated UA and gotten valuable info from the staff on the next transportation mission. They had barely just gotten away, but UA had sent the students home that week for precautionary measures and Mitsuki was pissed, that says for the least

"After much consideration, the staff has found a partial reason why UA was able to be infiltrated." He scanned the room for a minute before continuing. "It's the lack of trust between all of you. That's why no one was able to figure out the villains hidden among us. A new training exercise has been devised that will help the class grow as a whole along with strengthening these bonds."

Upon the mention of a new training exercise, excited murmurs rippled through the class.

"Quiet!" Aizawa ordered. "As I was saying, this training exercise will be geared towards strengthening emotional bonds. Power-Loader has designed a machine that correlates your memories and projects them. Any questions?"

The class sat in a shocked silence. That excited chatter from earlier, gone. Everyone was trying to process the info they'd been just given, including Bakugou. 'What the fuck? So they're just going to show all our memories? Is this even okay?'

A hesitant hand went up and the ash blondie was surprised to find it to be Sero. He wasn't one to usually ask questions.

"Yes, Sero?"

"So... are we like showing all our memories? Everything?"

Aizawa nodded. "That is what I said."

"But what if you don't want to show everything to the class."

Aizawa sighed before answering. "There are times when that will happen. Most likely multiple too, but this exercise is mandatory. Those key memories will serve as bridges to form bonds of trust between all of you. I'm sure you trust some people more than others, but with this, all of you will be able to know each other thoroughly. And I'm certain that at least everyone here has a thing or two that they don't want others to see, but none of you here will hurt each other with the memories they've seen. Right?"

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