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[Time Period:  After they've gotten dorms]


"We're going through with this and it's final!" A voice yelled.

"Please," the tired voice of Principle Nezu drifted through. "Reconsider this decision. What you all are deciding to implement right now is a severe violation of privacy."

"Privacy?" A rough chuckle was issued from another man in a posh suit. "What matters right now is UA's security along with confidentiality. Are the students or any of you the ones who'd lose billions because of leaked intel? No! I think not."

A board meeting had been conducted for the past 3 hours. All of UA's leading investors along with staff had gathered together to discuss precautionary measures after the recent villain attack.

Toga and Twice had infiltrated UA and had gotten away with key intel along with information. That being said there weren't very many ways UA's security measures could have been bypassed. After multiple security sweeps and investigations, they'd come to the conclusion of a traitor- The League had someone on the inside working for them.

The staff had been cleared after several security checks and the only option left were the students.

The investors had been furious when they heard of the news. UA was an expensive school to run and the investors were the ones who provided the funds necessary to conduct such high-profile activities.

A traitor proved that there was a way to leak out information- information on the investors per say. Many of them had at least a thing or two they wanted to hide.

"We cannot use that device," a teacher spoke up.

"Why not?" Hashiro from the SVG corps questioned. He was a leading politician along with an oil tycoon. "As you know we are the ones who funded the construction of it."

Aizawa had enough of this arguing. They'd been going back and forth- the staff vs the investors for the past 3 hours. He sat up rubbing the bridge of his nose before talking. "Are you kidding me? That's something to be used on villains. And not just normal petty criminals, but only the high-ranked ones that are supposed to be sent to Tartarus. We can't use something like that on the students!"

"Aizawa, you may be a hero, but this is out of your jurisdiction." Minikui, another board member sneered.

"You are talking about my students. Of course, I have a say in it!"

"So? We're the ones who provide money for the dorms and their activities. What can you provide with that measly salary of yours?" He scoffed.

"Hey! You don't talk like that to Sho-" Present Mic sitting next to Aizawa angrily defended, while getting out of his seat.

"Hizashi, sit back down" Nezu instructed, but then he turned to face the male who had insulted Aizawa. "You went out of your place when you said that."

Nezu scanned the room. "Aizawa is partially right. That is expensive technology. We cannot just carelessly be using it on students just for the possibility of a traitor. But not only that, the device hasn't even been properly tested yet."

Power Loader nodded in agreement. "It only has the basics down, there still could be bugs in the machine."

"That is enough for us. We will still be able to see their memories and evidence of a mole." A female investor in a crisp suit affirmed.

"Listen, everyone," All Might said, trying to loosen the tension. "Even if there's a traitor, a student wouldn't be able to get much information out. We shouldn't treat them so harshly and give them the benefit of doubt."

"True, a normal student wouldn't. But what about one from the hero course? Those kids have access to more facilities and extra privileges. As far as I know, a particular class has had several run-ins with villains."

"Are you suspecting my class?!"

A spur of voices collectively started to refute and arguing ensued in the room.

"That's it" Yamamoto boomed out. He got up staring down at the rest of the members. Yamamoto was the president of the UA board and one of the highest funders. "Either UA implements these methods or we withdraw our funds."

Nezu burst out. "What! Your funding isn't a one-way deal. This is a trade, don't act like all of you are doing us a favor here. Our heroes advertise your company along with a humongous sum you get from profits of new inventions."

Yamamoto's eyes held a hard gaze as he responded. "True, but even if we lose a couple million, we still have other ways of income. UA isn't our only source. And we'd much rather have a guarantee on when to withdraw our money than unknowingly support a dying investment."

And his words were final.


Bakugou groaned as his bleary eyes focused in on his room's ceiling.

He dragged himself out of bed, stumbling as his knee jarred in pain.


Bakugou made his way to the bathroom, closing the door softly. Slowly, he stripped off his tank top and sweats, now only in his boxers.

Bakugou turned towards the bathroom mirror as his toned body littered with bruises came into view. Gripping the edges of the sink, the blondie stared back at his tired face.

"Dammit, the Old Hag overdid it again."



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