Chapter 7 : Are you a vampire?

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8:10 am

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8:10 am

"Jesus, this place is dark as hell, what are you? a vampire? where's your coffin?"

"Dad, what are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to see if you burn the place down yet."

"If I did, It would be on the news, don't you think?"

"You've always been crafty". Mr. Collins dad said while squinting his eyes at him. This is weird, so this is the founder of a multimillion-dollar company, otherwise known as the head of the Collins family, Arthur Collins. I don't go for older men but damn I think I've changed my mind, he is as tall as Mr. Collins, he has deep dark eyes that look mysterious and enticing, It's like he's trying to seduce me with them. He has a clean-shaven face and if I'm not mistaken he has a side-parted haircut with tiny grey hairs. He's also wearing a very expensive grey suit that fits him just right. Mr. Collins father looks down at me and says with a smile on his face.

"Ever since that boy was young he had always gotten himself into trouble. And when he didn't we all thought that something was wrong." I know that Mr. Collins and I have a new-found, friendship? Better yet, understanding, but I can't help but laugh at the cute childhood story that his dad is telling, even though Isaac is shooting me death stares from across the room, and I might be fired by the time Mr. Collins' dad leaves.

"Rowan, do you have my paperwork and documents?"

"Umm, no, I was trying to stop Mr. Collins from coming in here, before I knew he was your dad."

"Sorry about that by the way, I didn't know he finally got another assistant...Again"

"Again?" I ask tilting my head to the said a bit.

"It's nothing, just get my work please." Mr. Collins said grabbing my attention.

"Ok." I said leaving the room.


Isaac Collins POV

"She's nice, and very pretty." My dad took a pause and realized what he just said.

"Please don't tell your mother that I said that."

"Dad, we both know that mom can smell the gilt on you like a bloodhound."

"Yes, she can." My dad walks over to the little mini-bar that I got as soon as he gave me the CEO position. I knew I would need it. My dad skims over the alcoholic options with his pointer finger, and he stops at a bottle of whiskey. He grabbed the bottle by the neck and raised it up in the air, before twisting the bottle open and pouring the clear golden brown translucent liquid into two rocks glasses.

"Wow, you got the good stuff." One of the few things that my dad and I could agree on is liquor. I got up from my custom-made chair, then walked over to my dad, and took the other glass he healed out for me. I took a sip of the drink and I realized that I've drunk it so much that it had become smooth to me. I then saw my dad's smirk a little.

"Ok dad, cut the crap and tell me why you're here"

"Oh why yes son of mine, I feel great on this lovely autumn evening"

"Just get to it," dad sighs.

"I heard from the great vine that you got the land from the Grey family, why didn't you tell us about it?"

"Old man, I don't have to tell you a goddamn thing, It's my business and my business alone"

"OH my firstborn son. If you weren't my son I would say that you're a huge asshole, emphasis on asshole, but you are, so I love you no matter what you do. Did you at least tell your mother, you know you're her favourite?

"Yeah, obviously, I'm an asshole, not a complete imbecile." my dad reached into his pocket for a white silk napkin, then he dabbed his forehead of sweat with the napkin.

"Thank God, if you hadn't, she would have committed mass murder, I love her, but she scares me to my core," he says while looking into the abyss.

"Dad I"- I try to say before being cut off by somebody knocking on the door, which I soon realized was Rowan.

"Come in." My dad says like it's still his office.

"Wow nice timing," I said with a slightly sarcastic tone. I think Rowan noticed so she started to glare at me, which was cute.

"I have the documents that you asked for sir." After sculling me in the elevator the other day I almost assumed she would quit or at the vary least start calling me by may name. To be honest, I have never been talked to that way by any one of my previous assistants, she was the first. Thinking about it now, I guess that's why I apologized to her in the first place.

"Thank you, you can just put them on my desk then leave." After putting the files on my desk she left the room after giving my dad a big smile, that he sent back her way. I slightly rolled my eyes, it's beyond me how my dad can be so courteous to someone he doesn't even know.

"Isaac." my dad called out my name.

"Yeah what?" I responded.

"I hear that Chuck Gallagher has been looking for a new architect to build his, I believe 7th wife? a new house." Chuck Gallagher is an old slimy asshole that doesn't know how to keep his pants on, and he's also filthy rich.

"What really? How do you know that for sure?"

"Me and some of the guys were at the country club a few weeks ago, Chuck got hammered and let it slip, that's why I came here."

"Does anyone know about it?"

"Everyone there was drunk, and the fact that you don't know that I have a high alcohol tolerance hurts."

"Ok, I'll make an appointment to go to the pearl." The pearl is a fancy strip club that Chuck goes to on Fridays.

"Ok, bye," my dad says while walking towards the doors and then living

"Mhm Yeah, whatever.

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