Chapter 4 : Squirrel walking on acid

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Isaac Collins's POV

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Isaac Collins's POV

August 25th, Sunday 8:45 am

"Benji, Noah, you're not supposed to be here this early, you didn't even book an appointment, so you have absolutely no right to barge in here."

"Blow it out your ass," Noah starts to sit down on one of the chairs facing my desk.

"What's the rush? You have nothing to do today, right? Ugh, whatever, I'm not your assistant."

"Actually, speaking of assistants, didn't you get a new one?" Noah asks.

"Yeah, but how did you—" Noah interrupts by saying,

"There's actually a rumour going around that she's really fucking sexy."

"Christ, Noah stop flirting with the women in the office so they can tell you my business."

"Oh hell no lately you're my only source of entertainment," Noah says with a big smile on his face, showing that he's so very proud of being a man whore.

"I hate you people so much," I mumble while rubbing my forehead.

"Aww you don't mean that pineapples," Benji says, and Noah starts laughing at Benji's comment.

"You guys need to."- just then a knock appears at the door. Speak of the devil, it must be Miss Zoloman.

"Come in."

Rowan walks in, wearing a skirt that shows off her pretty long legs and more of her sun-kissed, golden light brown skin. The for some reason looked incredibly soft. Her long light brown hair  tied up in a high ponytail, reaching just below her shoulders. Her dark brown eyes intoxicating. With every step she takes toward me, I catch glimpses of the tattoo covering her thigh. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Noah and Benjamin looking at her like she's a piece of meat. When she saw them, she looked a little nervous.

"Umm hello"

"Miss Zolomon I don't need the morning briefing today just give me my coffee and the files then leave."

"Yes sir." she came over to my desk handing me the files setting my coffee down, then takes her paperwork. She started towards the door, but before she could I say.

"And Miss Zolomon what the hell are you wearing?" She turns slowly to me with a confused smile on her face and says.

"Excuse me?" She said while her smile turned constipated. I tried hard to stop myself from laughing.

After all we don't want another crying incident.

"I said what the hell are you wearing, this is a workplace, not a strip club, get some new clothes you look like a $2 whore." I don't think I meant to say all of that but it came tumbling out. To save face I looked down at my work and start reading over a few contracts. I can feel the disgusted glares coming from my so-called friends in waves. Then I hear the door shut.

"Oh my god, you're terrible," Benjamin says. I look up at him unphased.

"That was a little harsh, even for you," Noah said his arms crossed over his chest slightly shaking his head.

"But, not even gonna lie the rumours are true she is hella fine," Benji says

"True" Noah agrees with Benji.


11:04 am

I leave my office to get the file on the Gray family. I'm planning to build a new hotel on a piece of land they own. I head to my new assistant's office, but she isn't there. I thought she'd be here since it's her first day, and I assumed it might take her a bit longer to make friends. Maybe I was wrong; perhaps she's a social butterfly.

I see an employee walking by and stop him to ask, "Hey."

"Hello, sir," he replies.

"Do you know where my new assistant went?"

"I think I saw her going to the café," he says before walking away. So, I head to the café across the street where some employees go when the break room is crowded.

When I enter, I spot Valerie Winchester and Jeanette Bennett sitting with Rowan in a far corner. They seem to be deep in conversation, so I walk over to get Rowan's attention. As I approach, I hear them talking.

"I don't think anyone has ever used 'nice' to describe that man."Miss bennett said.

 "But damn, he is so fine," Miss Winchester adds. I can't help but think they're talking about me, but I don't want to sound conceited.

What the hell are they talking about?

"OK fine that man is a total butt-munch"

Wha, what the fuck? Did I just have a stroke? What the hell is a BUTT-MUNCH!!? 

I get closer and cast a big shadow on them, Mrs. Winchester and Mrs. Bennett slowly look up at me, and Miss Zolomen says.

"He's behind me isn't he."

Rowan stands up and so do they. Rowan turns around and looks up at me. I clear my throat and say.

"Miss Zolomon I came here to ask for the Gray file"

"Bye girl see you tomorrow you have my number so call me Mrs. Winchester says while running away with her bag in hand.

"Bye freshman," Mrs. Bennett says while blowing a kiss. She turned back to me, then walks quickly to the office across the street, while I followed close behind her.


We're in an elevator, and this woman is clutching her bag for dear life, and her head is lowered to the ground, while looking at her I start to realize that she is a sight for sore eyes. It's not that noticeable since she's wearing a loose fitting pink button up, but she has a body as curvy as an hourglass, and one of the biggest asses I have ever seen in real life, (that isn't caused by plastic surgery), and without seeing her cleavage I can already tell she is gifted in more ways than one. The elevator dinges, the sound breaking me out of my trans.

Once the doors open Rowan quickly speed walked out of the elevator. Like a squirrel walking on acid. I slowly follow behind her, stoping at the doorway to her small office. In comparison to mine, It's like a hobbit hole in here. She gets a file out of one of the many boxes in her office and hands me the Gray family file.

"Here you go, sir." I quickly check to see if it is the right one, and it is.

"Thank you." I start to turn around to get out of her office (which is the size of a walk-in closet), but I change my mind and I look back at her, and I ask.

"What the fuck is a butt-munch?"

"Oh it's nothing" She said after looking down in fear of me. I slowly walk towards her, and when I'm inches away from her, I say.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you." she raises her head and says with confidence and certainty. 

"I didn't mean anything by it. I'm so very sorry if I have offended you, sir."

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