Chapter 18: Wait, what?

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After David and Isaac's epic staredown, and my relentless teasing, aimed at Isaac

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After David and Isaac's epic staredown, and my relentless teasing, aimed at Isaac. I went to my room to change into comfortable clothes. Since Isaac had told me, better yet ordered him to stay home from work.

I went down the short hall leading to my room and went through the door.

While I was in my room looking for clothes I heard the front door open. I just assumed that Isaac had left my apartment, but not too long after I heard the front door open again.I thought that David had probably forgotten something and came back to get it. When coming back out of my room, phone in hand, scrolling through social media. 

"David! Forgetting things while on the job is not ok, you know." I said while not taking my eyes off my phone. I went into my kitchen and I put my phone down on the counter. I opened my squeaky cabinet to look for a mug, but after the long silence, I turned around.

"Dav?" I said in the middle, turning around. Only to be greeted by Isaac, I jumped back in surprise at Isaac's sudden appearance.

"What?" Isaac said while eating what looks like Chinese food on my couch.

"Wait, I thought you left."

"Why would I leave you alone when you're being stalked by a psycho?" Isaac said like it was common knowledge.

"I don't know, I just assumed." Isaac got up and started walking around my apartment. He was looking at the pictures on my walls and little trinkets that I left out as decoration. His attention was on one of Lovey's toys, It was a Minion toy, I'm pretty sure that minion was called Bob? It was left on a little table next to the entrance of my apartment. He held it in his hand and the toy looked so big in Lovey's tiny hands, but in Isaac's, it looks like an ant.

"What the hell is this?"

"A toy," I said dryly

"Yeah, I know that but, why do you have it?"

"It's my daughter's."

"Oh, wait what?" Isaac did a double-take."

"Yeah, I know right, crazy," I said with my arms crossed and perched on the counter.

"I don't know if you're lying, or telling the truth."

"Is it so hard to believe?"

"Yeah kind of."

"Well damn." Isaac walked over to the couch and brought some Chinese food, and put it on the counter next to me.

"I got this for you."

"Thank you sir" Isaac took a little pause.

"Why do you call me sir?"

"Because you're my boss?" I said in confusion.

"No, I mean, why do you talk so formally with me when we have done very unprofessional things?" I can already tell what he was talking about. What happened in the elevator, and what happened on the business trip. I started to understand where he was coming from. Why am I so formal with him?

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