Chapter 29: Pretty girl

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"I don't think so," I said trying not to sound as nervous as I felt

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"I don't think so," I said trying not to sound as nervous as I felt.

"Strange, I could have sworn I've seen you somewhere," Colleen said while backing up.

"Well, it's very nice to meet you my name is Colleen." Instantly her expression changed, it was like a li switch went off in her head. She suddenly became friendly and warm like before.

"Hi." I said with a nervous smile, Colleen smiled back then turned to Isaac."

"Well, your father has been looking for you, you better find him," Colleen saithen started to converse with her other guests

"Wow, your mom's kind of."

" Strange?" Isaac said finishing my sentence before me.

"Yeah, exactly."

"Well, I need to go find my dad. Stay here or mingle, I'll find you in a bit. Isaac then walked off too. For some time I'm just standing around waiter with drinks comes on and I pluck one from his passing tray. I'll look around, then I see a huddle. In a corner, Sarah. She's sitting with Talia, Benji, Noah, and two others I don't recognize. I walk over to them. Ever since we met up at Lovey's school we've been talking Non-Stop, she's become a really dear friend to me.

"Hey Sarah," I say excitedly.

"Oh my God hey, Rowan." Sarah gets up from her seat and comes over to hug me.

" I didn't know you're coming to this thing," Sarah says with her eyebrows furrowed.

"To be honest, I didn't know I was coming to this thing either, but Isaac gave me an invitation, so here I am."

"You know my brother Isaac?" A girl with dirty blonde hair and Honey brown eyes and a striking resemblance to Talia said."

"Brother? Wait how many siblings does this man have?" I muttered under my breath. The pretty girl stood up from her seat and walked over to us.

"My name is Tori, and that girl right there is my twin sister Talia. And that guy over there is our youngest brother Gene." Tori pointed to Gene and Talia to show me who she was talking about.  "We also have an older brother Matthew but he isn't right now."

"Cool, well nice to meet you," I said in the direction of Gene and Talia, then me Sarah and Tori all sat down.

"Hey, Rowan Where's pineapples?" Benji questioned.

"To be honest I have no idea, he just told me to come in here."

"You know Benji?" Gene asked.  Gene's eyes are a dark grey, his face is clean-shaven, and his hair is a dirty blond. He has the build of someone who works out but not as much as his dad or brother do. He's pierced each ear with diamond studs, and he has that smile that says." I'm a fuckboy."

"Yeah, Benji, Noah and Nolan kind of just barge into Isaac's life whenever they want, so it would be hard to know Isaac and not know them."


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