Chapter 35: Falling Part 1

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Isaac's POV

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Isaac's POV

"W What are you doing here?" Rowan grimmest.

"Nolan Benji and Noah dragged me here," I say looking at her with soft eyes.

"Oh." It became silent Neither of us made a peep, even though I have so much to say to her.

"Soo," I said awkwardly, and she scoffed.

"What was that?" I asked in disbelief.

"Nothing," she said before trying to walk past me, but I blocked her exit with my arm.

"What was that." I ask again but more demanding."

"It was nothing. Do I have to tell you twice for you to get it through your thick skull?"

"Excuse me."

"You're excused, now aparta de mi camino." She said trying to get to the door again, but I didn't let her thru.

"What the heck do you not know English? Mooovvve. Movimento." She said clapping her head in my face getting aggravated.

"Sorry, maybe my brain can't comprehend the meaning of move."

"You're so annoying, I'm tired of you."

"If you are, why don't you just give in, and tell me what you meant by scoffing at me."

"It's because you're a massive tool and I don't even know why I liked you in the first place."For some reason what she's saying isn't hurting me, it's giving the opposite effect. I started to watch her yell at me, and I started to crave her touch.

I'm cursing myself for thinking of such things in this situation, but instead of letting my brain take the lead I let my body, and I kiss her. Her lips Whereas soft as I remember, and she still smelled of cupcakes, and surprisingly she did not pull away from the kiss as I thought she would.

The kiss got deeper, and I pulled her closer to me by her sexy big ass and kissed her passionately. I've been waiting for this for two weeks now. Her frames are so fragile under my touch and I know exactly what I do to her, I then pull away from the kiss and look at her.

Her chest was heaving, she looked vulnerable and confused, and out of nowhere, she slapped me across the face. My face was turned to the side because of the slap, I faced her again, and she still had the same look in her eyes, except something more, something hungry and so insatiable that it wasn't going to be quenched with just kissing. I kissed her again with more passion, she moaned biting my lip and kissing me back.

"Isaac." Rowan moaned out my name. I could rip the world in half just to hear her say my name like that again. My hand travelled up her thigh, till I got to her soaking wet panties. Oh, Jesus, take the wheel because God so helps me I will fuck her senseless in this parking lot.

I then picked her up bridal style and led her to my car. Her face was cuddled up in my chest. She was probably too embarrassed to show me her face, it kind of reminds me of that day at work. I miss her so much and now having her here I can tell how much I have missed her.

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