Chapter 2 : Inhale exhale

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A week before the move

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A week before the move...

August 24th, Saturday

7:00 am

I sent out my résumé to a number of companies a few months ago, and Collins Industries was one of the companies to contact me. Collins Industries!! Collins freak in Industries is one of New York's most famous architectural firms. And I was only submitting my résumé for the sake of it; I didn't expect them to look at it.

I arrived in New York a week early because I got a callback. So today I'll be taking a tour of the office. In order to prepare for the tour. I wore a dark red long-sleeved shirt, black suit pants, a thick chunky belt, and heels. I put my frizzy mane in a slicked-back low pony tale

After checking myself out in the mirror for several minutes to ensure that everything was in order, I finally got out of my apartment, locked my door, and tried to catch the elevator, but I ended up having to wait.


7:52 am

I finally get to the official Collins industries building, and I can't contain my excitement. Oh my God, I feel like I'm going to die. how do you breathe again?

"Get it together Rowan, get it together." I psych myself up.

"Inhale, exhale, Inhale, exhale." I take slow, deep breaths, and I can feel eyes all over me from people coming in and out of the Immaculate building, as well as onlookers. So I shouldn't waste my time, because time is of the essence. 

When I walk into the building, my jaw drops to the gorgeous marble floor. This place resembles the five seasons rather than an office.


After a few minutes of staring at the gorgeous sight before me, a man walks over to me.

"Umm Ma'am can I help you?" A man wearing a very sharp black suit asks me.

"Oh yeah, my name is Rowan Zolomon I'm Mr. Collins new assistant"

"Oh, miss Zolomon, Mr. Collins has been waiting for you, come right this way." The man ushers me into an elevator with unusually large doors. We enter the elevator and the man punches the 14th-floor button; once on floor 14, he leads me into a hallway. The hallway had 2 large glass windows, one overseeing the city and the other to allow you to observe employees working in the conference rooms.

A discussion was taking place in one of the conference rooms, and in that room, I noticed a very attractive man with dark brown hair and dark censual navy blue eyes. He gave me a warm smile after a brief stare, and I gratefully returned the gesture. Everyone here seems a little different from normal society, or perhaps it's because they're so exquisite and crisp, but I feel insignificant in comparison to these people. But what can you do?

I begin to stare straight ahead, and the man took me to two massive black doors with silver handles that only a giant would need. When we arrive, the man comes to a complete halt, turns to face me, and says

"Miss Zolomon, good luck"

"Umm thank-" And before I could even finish my sentence the man had already walked past me.

"That was weird, Oh well"

I softly knock on the 6 foot 8 matte black doors, and then I hear a man say "Come in," That's exactly what I do, I go into the office.

When walking in, I'm met with the most stunning man I've ever laid my unworthy eyes on. This man had black hair and dark grey eyes that looked like they were piercing my soul. He had dressed in a white button-up with the sleeves rolled over his elbows, revealing his arm tattoo. He had a clean-shaven face and his build was gorgeous.

Mr. Collins rose from his desk and moved around it till he was in front of me. When he stood up, I immediately saw why everyone seemed off to me and why the entrances, especially the ones leading into his office, were so large. It's because this man and virtually everyone else here is giants. I believe I'm the shortest person in the building, and I'm not even that short; I'm 5 foot 7, which is above average for a woman. What the hell are these people being fed!?

I'm not sure what it is, but I want some too. This man was 6 foot 7 inches tall and towered over me like the structures he constructs. He just tightened his jaw, and I realized he could cut diamonds with that thing, and I wouldn't be astonished if he could weld with that jawline. I'm getting weak in the knees and don't think I'll be able to walk much longer.

I coughed realizing that I was staring at him. "Um, hello, my name is-" He Interrupts my sentence.

"I already know your name Miss Zolomon" He crosses his arms and slightly swings his left leg on top of his right while sitting on the edge of his desk.

" I was very impressed with your résumé," Mr. Collins starts to slowly walk closer to me with his hands in his pockets.

"Graduating from Bloomington University on a scholarship, and with two majors, in I believe business and English, and all well graduating at 19 years old. That's absolutely amazing." When Mr. Collins said all of these nice things to me, his face was completely unreadable, and I started to suspect that he may be lying. I couldn't get over how great this man's voice is, similar to Morgan Freeman's but with a younger, hotter twin.

"Oh it's nothing really," I say while on the verge of blushing"

"It's nothing."

"Your parents must be very proud of you."

"Yeah, they totally were." I said with an unconvincing smile." The thing is, I'm a little bit of a genius but I wasn't always this way. I guess I just spent a lot of time studying than anything else. 

"Anyway, I have been needing a new assistant because I just took over my father's company last year, and his last assistant was, well, inadequate, so I had to dispose of her." Wow that was harsh, but oh well,

Mr. Collins walked behind his desk, picked up the office phone, and then pressed a button on the phone while holding it down, saying something into it. "Mári, I need you to show the newbie around for me." He let go of the button right after delivering the message, and a small beep sounded from the office phone.

We're waiting in Mr. Collins' office, and the silence is unbearable, and he keeps staring at me for reasons I'll never understand. Then a short knock came at the door.

"Come in." A lovely brunette with brown eyes enters, dressed in a white long sleeve blouse with a large V-neck, beige bell bottoms, glossy beige heels with red bottoms, gold earrings, and a gold bracelet.

"Hello hon, come with me" She waves her hand in a come here motion, and then leads me out of the office, but not before I can catch another glance at the Handsome Mr. Collins and give him a smile that he didn't return.

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