Chapter 25: You're the worst

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"Wait what?" 

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"Wait what?" 

"Yeah," Isaac said while walking away.

"Hey wait, you can't just say that then walk away," I said following Isaac to the kitchen

"I can and I am."

"We can't just stay here."

"Yeah, yeah you can," Isaac said while making a sandwich

"What? No? We have an apartment of our own we can't just abandon it and stay here."

"Oh yeah because this house is packed," Isaac said sarcastically finally looking at me.

"You know what I mean."

"No, no I don't please explain."

"Ugh, you're the worst."

"Yeah, because the worst person would invite you to stand at their house. and deal with your crazy ex-boyfriend's problems.

"We're staying here?" We hear Lovey say, from behind me. We both turn around to see a bouncing 5-year-old. He's practically bursting with excitement.


"Of course!" Isaac said picking Lovey up.

"What? No."

"Are you really going to say no to this face?" Isaac said gesturing at Lovey's cute powdery face.

"Ugh, fine."

"Yay!" both lovely and Isaac said simultaneously."

"Iyic put me down! I'm going to find a room." Isaac did what she said and put her down, then with a sneaky smirk, Lovey left. I turned to Isaac and said.


"Only for you babe," Isaac said sarcastically stepping towards me and looking into my eyes.

"Wait, where did she get the gym clothes from," I asked, and when I did Isaac started laughing hysterically.

"No I'm serious where did she get them from?" Isaac kept on laughing non-stop.


November 11 12:40pm

Jeanette and I go to the finance department, where Valerie works. We finally locate Valerie's office and once we do, we see Valerie giggling at her phone. We entered an office that happens to be significantly bigger than mine. It looks so nice, the office has accents of pink everywhere. Pink flowers, A pink love seat, pink trinkets, it's a girl's dream in here.

"Valerie? I call out for Valerie, even though she's like 10 ft away from us.

"Hey, Valerie are you in there? Jeanette shouts.

"I don't think she can hear us.

"Valerie, hello?

"Hmm? Oh yeah hey guys, when did you get here?" Valerie finally notices us in the room

"Just moments ago."

"Wow, that's, that's great." me and Jeanette give each other a look. Then Jeanette goes up to Valerie and snatches her phone from her hands.

"Hey, what the hell man, I was talking to someone."

"Your boyfriend?" Jeanette asks.

"No," Valerie replies, then Jeanette looks down at Valerie's phone and her eyes became wide.

"What," I say worried.

"First of all, these texts are fucking nasty, and second of all, you're dating Rowan's brother?

"You're dating my brother?!"

"Well, yeah, he's super sweet, and he has these dimples, but I can just sink into. Before Valerie could fall into a daze I snapped my fingers in my face.

"When did this happen?""

Like a week ago, he said he would tell you, but I guess he didn't. Are you mad?" Valerie asked sweetly.

"No, I'm not mad, after all, I told you to go for it, I just didn't think what happened this fast.

"Oh, okay, good, cuz if this really works out we're going to be sisters. Valerie said excitedly.

"Oh my God, you guys are leaving me out, I want to be sisters, Rowan do you have any more brothers.

"Yeah, I do."

"Wait what, I wasn't expecting you to say yes, how many?

"In total three, I'm the youngest and the only girl. My second-oldest brother's cool, we're not as close as I am with my oldest brother, but he's nice.

"Wow this is actually working out, better than I thought it would." we all start laughing at that realization.


9:30 pm

After getting off a call with a client Jeanette browses social media when she gets a text from her source. She taps the notification to see something horrifying. She drops her phone huffing and backing away from the small object.

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