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jealousy is a great color on you

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jealousy is a great color on you


I WOKE UP IN THE MEDICAL WING, tubes attached to my arms, my head pounding, and I felt like I was holding up a ton of heavy bricks.

My eyes searched the beds, seeing a whole plethora of other kids in their own hospital beds. The final exams must've been pretty bad.

I watched as a nurse walked up to me with Advil and a glass of water.

"Thank you." I said, plopping the round tablet into my mouth and downing the water straight after.

"You're safe to leave after your headache goes away," she softly smiled. "By the way, those boys," she motioned her head towards Louis and Timothée who slept soundly on separate chairs beside my bed. "they stayed here all night for you. Choose one, chose both. Either way, you got yourself a keeper." she squeezed my shoulder before going off to help someone else.

I like Timothée. Louis kissed another girl and acted like a fucking dick to me. I only like Timothée, right?

TIMOTHÉE ASKED ME OUT ON A DATE. I know you're probably wondering, "Iris, did I miss a chapter because what in the fuck?" In my defense, it happened today at lunch, only a few minutes ago.

Aster, Fawn, Thomas, and I sat at the round lunch table in the dining hall, casually talking about the low population in the school now, when Timothée swiftly sat down beside me.

He smiled, awkwardly resting his elbow on the table as I raised a curious eyebrow.

"So, how's your head?" he asked. He seems nervous , very nervous.

I lightly chuckled, "It's getting better. What's up?"

"I was just wondering if you had any plans tomorrow night?"

Oh God. Is he asking me out on a date? Don't get me wrong, he is hot and all— very very hot. But I just don't feel anything more than a friendship, but maybe I will after a date. Maybe this date will convince me that I actually do like Tim.

"Are you asking me out on a date?" I queried.

"I'm just gonna be direct. Yes," he stood up, standing right in front of me. His voice was now loud and clear for everyone to hear. "I am asking The Iris Aldine out on a date." he exclaimed.

I felt everyone's eyes on us, but the one I felt the most was, you guessed it— Louis'. His eyebrows furrowed, waiting for my answer. I bit my lip, tugging the sleeve of my jacket, as my eyes met with Louis'. You know what? Timothée treats me well. I deserve that in my life, not someone who kisses the first girl he sees because I can't commit to anything.

I looked back up at Timothée. He towered over me as I was sitting and he was standing. I stood up, my hand finding its way to the side of his neck.

I glanced at Louis.

"I'd love to go on a date with you."

I kissed him. He was a gentle kisser. His lips were soft and he had a good few inches on me, making me stand on the ball of my feet to be able to meet his face. It only lasted for a couple of seconds, and don't get me wrong, it was great, but something just felt— bland. There wasn't the same rush that I felt when Louis kissed me in the garden in London.

There were no sparks.

But Louis' frustrated face made it all worth it as Timothée and I sat back down, hand in hand. Our friends beamed at us as I couldn't stop glancing over at Louis. Our eyes met once again and I don't know what came over me, but let's not forget; I'm a bitch.

His brown eyes glistened with anger, and jealousy, and sadness, and most importantly, desperation.

And I simply smiled.

(it could be doe) but it's not! you will get a happy ending with louis, it's okay.

so this chapter was super short,
but i think the next one will be long?? lmao i don't know, i didn't write it yet. who knows? the next one could be 100 words or it could be 1000. i don't know.
(one thousand isn't a lot, but i think you get the point)

if you want a book where there is long chapters, you should read "from here to there" i finished writing that shit in a month. honestly, my proudest work.

anyways, bye!!
- x, sofia

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