The Reckoning

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"What the hell Alex, you said he wouldn't betray us" Bucky yells at me pissed.

"Are you serious right now?, I got him drunk, i didn't hook him up to a dam lie detector" I however yelled in frustration.

"Well maybe you should have, if you wanted your 'great plan' to work"

Sam tries to be peacemaker "right guys we are definitely not gonna find him if we're arguing with each other"

We don't take on anything he says, it's just background noise.

"Oh yea sure , look here's my handy lying detector device that fits right in my pocket"

"Wait you can actually get those ?"

Bucky and I stop arguing to look at Sam in the most stupidest manner.

"NO" we both shout

"How did he even get out?"

Bucky walks towards the bathroom and finds a hole right under where the bath stood.


"Now what, how do we find the serum?"

"We already destroyed it , well Zemo did" Sam remarked.

"When the hell did this happen, and why wasn't I involved ?"

I looked at them both, with fire in my eyes , mad they didn't tell me about the lead.

"You had went to back to your place earlier to get changed"

"We knew where Karli the keeper of the serum would be so we had to be there quickly before she and her gang got away again."

I looked at Bucky
"Listen doll, we didn't have time to tell you and get there incase she had left and we would have lost her again."

"It's ok, I just wished I kinda would have been there , I miss a good fight, it's been a while" I was disappointed. Bucky knew and came over to hug me

"Sorry , for yelling" he whispered in my ear

"Me too" I whisper back

We straighten ourselves up as I asked,
"So what went down then ,did you get her ?"

"No me and Bucky didn't want to fight with her she's still just a kid, but the shield thief wanted a full burnout even though we were against it, she got away again, and in the middle of all the action Zemo smashed all the vials of the serum they should be all gone"

"That's how John knew Zemo was here isn't it?"

Bucky nods his head


Sams phone begins ringing

"Sarah , what, breathe ,calm down ,what the hell happened" Sams face turns red , he was mad as hell and I did not want to get in his way whatsoever.

"Karli has just threatened my family" he storms out of the house.

I look for Bucky but he's already made his choice and dashed after his 'co-worker'

"Where the hell are both of you going?" I begin to follow both of them and somehow we arrived at a random semi-abandoned compound.


Some redhead 18 year old stands out on a balcony, she's just a kid I think to myself.

"You called my sister, that's how we're going to play this"

Karli: "Sam you have to understand I would never hurt her, I just wanted to understand you better. I don't want to hurt you, it wouldn't have a big enough impact like it would the boy behind the shield. I actually wanted to ask for you to join us and if not then just get out of our way!"

"Look Karli we just want to help you don't need to fight like this to be seen"

"Walkers here" Bucky shouts as Sharon notifies him on his earpiece.

"What I said to come alone!" Karli wasn't thrilled"

"We didn't tell him shit" Sam exclaims.

Karli didn't believe him, she flung on her mask and began fighting with us.

We ran out of the building as soon as we had the chance with Sam flying in the air sending us the coordinates.

They led us to another building however it was much bigger and grander than the abandoned one, as we begin running up the stairs we meet John, obviously still as annoyed from our earlier occurrence but this time he was mad, they had took his partner Lamar.

Both me and Bucky tackled against every one of Karlis army we met on our flight up the stairs. Eventually we made it to a room where all of us gathered as became  full fledged face off between John, Sam Bucky and I against 2 of Karlis super soldiers.

It was obvious they were quite fond of the knives as John remarked "what's with all the knives", then one by one we all took our turns at fighting the soldiers with John hitting them and defending himself with his shield , Bucky and I on hand to hand combat and Sam doing whatever Sam does with those wings.

We managed to get one down when Bucky meticulously clamped their head with his metal arm forcing them to fall down where he used their own knife against them and struck it down right beside their head.

I myself jumped on the back of the other choking his neck with my arms to let him lose consciousness where I then jumped off as Sam held his blaster against their face, a final blow to the face by me and he was down. Lemar then appeared after breaking loose from his ties in a separate room.

We thought it was over until Karli and her companion miraculously appeared he held Walker back while she glided across the room , both Sam and Bucky attempted to stop her but she hit Lemar sending him flying across hitting his head on a pillar.

We all looked around, he wasn't breathing anymore, walkers face was in bits, that was his best friend and although we didn't get along I wouldn't wish that on anybody, he tried to get him up by repeatedly saying "hey" but Lemar was dead, nothing could have brought him back.
We all got the hell out of there when we saw Karli run, all of us chasing after her for justice but Walker was just chasing her for blood.

He didn't find Karli instead he found her companion, another one of her soldiers and chased him to the middle of the square where there was swarms  of people, Walker knocked him down shouting "where is she, WHERE IS SHE!"
The man repeatedly cried "it wasn't me" but Walker wanted blood and he didn't care who it came from.

John smashed his shield against him time after time after time, the man was defenceless and part of a public execution by a man that apparently stood for world peace.

The shield that Steve used to fight for freedom and for the protection of all mankind was now stained with blood after being used as a murder weapon against a defenceless man whilst the whole world watched.

We all stood in shock of what happened, Bucky was mad ,Sam looked guilty and I was mad , how dare he destroy Steve's legacy.

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