The Beginning

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Bonus Episode 1

"Dad come on!' Please, I'm an Avenger. And as an Avenger I have the right to go to the dam party"

"Ahh as the Cap once said, language, and no you're too young" his tone was calm but in his usual sarcastic manner, which even on a good day drives me insane.

I'm 20 years old, I think I'm old enough to attend a party, you need to stop babying me all the time"

"No Alex, it isn't happening" he was being stern this time.

So I used my greatest weapon. (Well attempted to at least)

I allowed myself to start fake crying, then gracefully look up at my father and use the puppy dog eyes,"please Dad" my voice was ever so softly, if I was gonna get what I wanted I needed to be somewhat nice (ewwww)

"Alex, No!"

Shit, that always works.

A couple hours had passed and I got all dolled up to go out with friends since I couldn't go to the party.

"Where might you be going dressed up like that?", Pepper questions.

"Since my father says I can't go to the party, I'm gonna go have one of my own far far away from here don't worry" I smile

"Just be careful please"

"Of course, I always am, well tend to be" I rolled my eyes and hugged Pepper, once we had said goodbye I made it down to the ground floor using the elevator and once those big stainless steel doors opened I met this tall strange man.
Technically I fell into this tall strange man (but let's not tell anyone that).

"Hey uhh, are you ok" he reaches his hand to help pull me up,

"Yea I'm fine, thanks ,sorry for bumping into you"

As I reached his hand, I looked up at him, he had longish ,brown hair which perfectly shaped his face, bright blue eyes and , was that a metal arm?

I heard the driver in the limo beep the horn, I look over. But he still held my hand well after I was standing up, he wasn't looking at me like his was staring, more gazing and I became entranced.

The limo driver beeped again, ending my daydream with this fascinating random stranger I met at the Avengers tower.

"Sorry but ah , that's my driver I got to go"

He blinks multiple times , as if he's coming back into reality, and says "sorry for keeping you"

Of course me being the flirt I was continued with "don't let it bother you" then winked as I strut my stuff into the limo without a second glance.

Never did I ever think I would see that man again.

2 hours had passed and by this time the party of the infamous Tony Stark was holding was very much underway, I'd seen from videos Nat was sending that everyone was having fun, but i on the other hand was in a hell a lot of trouble.

Knock, Knock

"Did someone order food?" Steve looks around waiting for an answer but everyone shrugs their shoulders, he then begins to open the door to find me along with a very grumpy police officer, everyone from the party looks at me.

"What the hell did you do"

I clench my teeth together while rolling my eyes down, this is not how I expected my night to go.

Was I embarrassed? ,I mean I've always wanted to go to one of Dads parties but not exactly like this.

I'm soo dead.

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