The Disguise

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Bucky!! She gasped awakening from her once peaceful dream which had turned into one of her regular night terrors, the nightmares from the final battle with Thanos haunted her for nearly a year. She shouted for the only man she ever loved but he wasn't there , he hadn't been, and the guilt Alex felt broke her down every ,single, day.

It had been 6 long years since her last conversation with him everything back then was perfect both of them had lived in an idyllic world where nothing could bother them but themselves , they were setting themselves up for the rest of their lives until she got a call from her father which changed everything.

Ever since she had been living a small , somewhat peaceful life as a small bar waitress in the city of Madripoor.
10,20,30 in tips wasn't bad for a couple hours work she thought ,as she rolled out of her bed in nothing but shorts and an old tank top.
She had been living in a poor city working for a poor wage however her house was nothing like the typical real estate found in a city like this, from high rise ceilings, windows for walls and rooms that would put Buckingham Palace's to shame , it was something out of a modern royal palace - fitting as her father was the closest thing to being the King of New York.

As part of her everyday routine she got up ,put on her bed slippers ,night-robe and made her way down the stairs to pour a coffee , whilst waiting for the water to boil she glanced at an old photograph of her and her father with big smiles on their faces , she had just won the science student of the year trophy, and her father was so proud, this was the only photo she had remaining since she hadn't been home since the last battle.
A tear accumulated in her eyes it was obvious she missed him dearly , things had been rocky between he pair before he died which she never let herself forgive, it was true that her and her father very rarely seen eye to eye but they always loved each other even when they didn't.

A couple hours passed and she knew work was just around the corner , she didn't even need the job it was something to keep her occupied during her isolation in a place she knew very little about , but that was the point. Alex didn't want anyone to recognise her , she wanted to remain alone she felt she had deserved it and she knew if anyone had spotted her it would be no time before she would have to leave and return to New York -back to the life she loved so dearly -until she didn't.

Alex's POV
"Only 1 hour in and 5 more to go , that's 10 minutes 30 more times ,sigh, I'm never leaving" Ayesha just laughs as she pours the drinks in the glasses , we sneakily take a shot of tequila before the owner would catch us and after I made my way around the bar ensuring everyone had a drink in their hand everything was normal as it usually was ,until I felt something foreign surrounding me,

"Hey Princess"

I turned around to find a drunken 50 year old guy trying to hit on me I clearly make myself unavailable to him by giving him a dirty look and telling him to move aside or I'd personally move him aside , the guy clearly thought I was coming on to him or he wouldn't of groped my ass. (God I hate it when they do that)

As soon as I felt it coming I grabbed his hand twisted it behind his back all whilst still holding my tray of drinks (what can I say my balancing skills are impeccable) and warned him to never touch me or any other woman like that again in his life or I would hunt him down and let's just say cut a very valuable piece of a reproduction organ off , he clearly took the hint and decided to run like the scared 5 year old girl he truly was.

However whilst defending myself against a guy who was almost 20 years my senior I had managed to grab the attention of the full bar

(rookie mistake)

I had failed rule number :1 NEVER DRAW ATTENTION TO YOURSELF.

And sadly although I was defending myself I attracted the look of handsome guy and his partner (he'll kill me for saying that) I almost didn't recognise him I had known this man for almost a decade but now that his hair was shorter he looked completely different, a good different.

Maybe it wasn't him maybe it was the tequila , I oddly managed to find myself praying in the back room to god (a very rare occurrence I assure you) ,please lord let it be the tequila please let it be the tequila, please let me be hallucinating but If I was anything a lightweight definitely wasn't one of them unless it was alcohol with the name Asguardian in the title (now that's a whole new playing field).
But no my mind wasn't playing tricks , I wasn't drunk if anything i had been more sober than I had ever been before it was definitely

Him and Sam,
Sitting at a booth,
In my bar,
Staring straight at me.

Thankfully working at a bar that's makes their staff wear costumes (female assassin costumes at that, ironic right?).
The uniform consisted of tight black leather skirts, black lace masks to hid the face (apparently it's for our protection , but thankfully tonight it actually came in useful) strapless red top ,knee length high heel black or red boots and a peroxide blonde wig to top it all off , we were the assassin femme fatale version of the American playboy bunny and hopefully with this stupid costume there was no way he could notice me.

Until I tripped and his eyes met mine one more time.

Authors Note
Hey guys so, I'm relatively new to wattpad this is my first story , I thought about it when I first saw the falcon and the winter soldier and became completely obsessed, still crying over Tony's death in endgame 😭.
I'm from the UK so there maybe references that those from the outside of the UK may not understand.
Anyways give it a read if you want , it does get better gradually
Please vote or comment if you can any ideas for future parts and chapters or if anything sticks out , it helps me dearly knowing that if people are reading they are enjoying it.
Btw I didn't tell you the main characters full story at the start , you gradually get to know her as the story goes on as well as her family tree.

Thanks lovelies for making it this far 😊

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