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Moments after Thaddeus signed the paper he started singing like a bird, giving us everything he knew to the last tweet.

From there the team decided the best way to end this was to infiltrate the organisation.

So it was decided they we gave Harley his first undercover assignment - to spy on John and Sharon. He was perfect , nobody knew who he was ,his address was back in Tennessee and no background check would show that he had any relation to us in the Avengers since he was still in training, and he hadn't been made aware yet to the public.

He was prepared thoroughly, thanks to Ross' confession, we knew the best way to get close was to enroll him in his new supersoldier program, he had to go through multiple health checks and fitness tests before John even considered taking anybody and giving them the serum. Harley's job was to get in as far as he could and then pull out before he got the serum.

He would give regular updates through Loki as his undercover guide, he was also used as messenger for his ability to shape-shift. The plan was literally flawless.

Harley was already in his first week of being undercover when we got his first piece of intel.


Meanwhile Bucky and I went to Bruce for our first baby scan, I sat on the bed and laid back whilst the cool gel was spread across my belly.

Bucky held on to my hand rather tightly, I could tell he was anxious, but me, I was excited. Within a couple minutes Bruce had a visual on the baby on his ultrasound.

I think I seen a tear fall from Bucks eye , I just smiled at him.

"Look Alex, thats ours" I just nodded and tried my best to hold back any tears but I was defeated. Once we were given the all clear and the photos I wiped the gel off and pulled my top back down.

Bucky walked me back to my office and kissed my forehead before going back to the gym.

I sat down at my desk, put the scans in my drawer so prying eyes couldn't find them and was reading through emails until I was rudely interrupted.

"We got word on the kid " Sam walked in office headstrong and clearly pissed.

"Judging by your face it's not good" i swivelled my chair in his direction ignoring the countless emails on my computer.

"He said John and Sharon have already recruited 40 test subjects for the serum and it's already at a 75% success rate"

"What about those in that 25%?" I could see his reaction he just looked to the hardwood floors and shakes his head.

"Shit" I kicked the bin under my desk

"We need to act now Alex, with Parker out of town, Lang on vacation with Hope, I'm gonna need you and Bucky , we fought them before we can do it again"

"It's too early we need more intel, we need evidence if we wanna get then two convicted and put away!"

"We have Thaddeus testimony, there's a link with the money in the accounts, if we go and we take a sample that's everything we need to lock them up" it was clear he was impatient, we all were. "We need to go now Alex before anymore people get hurt"

"Fine you and Bucky go, but it has to be a quick in and out operation ,under the radar, you cannot be spotted or it will just alert them and all of this will be for nothing and they'll go back into hiding and we start all over again"

"If you want it to be covert maybe it's best you go instead of me"

"I can't" my words were unsteady,my heart started beating i couldn't go on the mission even if I wanted too , and believe me I was itching to go.

"Why not?,you've been sitting out on missions for the last few weeks , what the hell is going on?" Knowing there was no point hiding it anymore and I was kinda getting sick of saying the 'I'm busy' line all the time, I went into my drawer and lifted out the scans.

"That's why" I held them up right to his face and I seen his jaw drop, then it grew into a Cheshire Cat smile which made me fear for my life.

"No way"

"Yip" I bit my lower lip

"You and Cyborg have made a mini cyborg" he rubs his forehead

"It's a baby Sam, not a robot" i discreetly grab the scan and put it back in my locked metallic black desk.

"That explains soo much, like why he was buying yellow paint , why you haven't been out, why you both have been walking around like you had some secret, who else knows" he takes a seat opposite me, still rubbing his forehead.

"Nobody except Bruce and Happy but they found out, we didn't tell them"

"Well shit, your gonna be boring now, complaining everything's too dangerous and no cuss words at work" I laughed

"Why would I make a rule that I would obviously break" I rolled my eyes

There was an awkward silence but was rudely interrupted by a quaking laugh.

Once Sam calmed down he softly spoke "Shit , you two deserve it you know"

"Deserve what ?" A smile curled upon my lips

"To be happy, especially him with what he's been through" the words came from deep in his heart but I still had this bad feeling that wouldn't leave my shoulder.

"Yeah well, we can be happy once we get rid of Sharon and John , until then I can't I need to stay focused"

Sam stands up beside me and sadly looks upon me , my face raises to look up at him as he whispers "Let's get em then"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2022 ⏰

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