The Recruited

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"Please" I was about to fall onto my hands and knees to beg him. I really needed him to help out.

"Alex it's not happening"

"Why not?" He hated him, well not hate that's such a strong word, let's just say he tries to avoid him as much as possible.

"I don't even know the guy ,I've only met him once! We've never even had a conversation, and I would like to keep it that way." He was giving the stern serious look. He wasn't going to back down and he knew that I knew it.

"Bucky please" the puppy dog eyes make an appearance, "sure he's a little talkative" I slowed down my speech and a frown grew on my face. This had to work.

"No!, you can do it, it's your great idea" he's not taking it, ahhhh why are men so difficult.

"But, me and Peter are going to Tennessee"

"So you can get him on your way back"

I didn't even bother responding to him on that one, a simple scoff and eye roll were given. He just stood in the kitchen arms folded he was not one to say no to me but this one of those times he had to stand on his ground, which I completely understood but why did it have to be right now before I leave for a flight with Peter.

"Alex if we'd a had a conversation when we first met in the airport I would still be talking to him right now" he comes over and puts his arms on my shoulder trying to cheer me up.

I just roll my eyes and look up to those bright blue eyes of his"And they call me dramatic"


I pat his back ""

"Nope" he just smiles sarcastically this time.

I'm at this point where im just annoyed but I had one last tricky up my sleeve and this was bound to work. "Fine then Bucky don't, but I'm taking Stevie with me, he needs good country air"

The smile suddenly fades, if there's anything to blackmail Bucky with it was definitely the dog "No,he's my dog"

"Our dog" was he serious I was the one to buy the dam thing. I just shot him a dirty look.

"He needs to be with me ,his father" and on queue Stevie walks in and heads straight for a Bucky who was holding bacon. Traitor

"I'll only be gone 2 or 3 days!" I go closer to Bucky who was now holding the dog, I begin petting the soft tan fur.

"Exactly too long for him to be without me" still in his arms Stevie begins to look up at Bucky and begins licking his face. We both start laughing hysterically.

"Well then you go get Scott and you can keep him here."

"Alex for the last time I'm not getting Scott" he lest the dog down and Stevie begins walking to his water bowl, his mouth was probably dry after eating a piece of bacon.

"Fine then Bucky don't I'll get him ,but that means you have to go to Tenesee with Peter"  Bingo

He rolls his eyes in defeat, "fine I'll get Scott, but if he starts a conversation I'm duck taping his moth and throwing him in the trunk."

"As long as he's here by the time I get back I don't honestly care how you get him." I check the time "shit the cars outside i gotta go" I grab my bags and make my way towards the door

"Forgetting about something?", he smiles and walks closer to me, he then pouts his lips.

I roll my eyes as a seductive grin grows in my face, he comes even closer so his lips were levelled with mine and kisses me before opening the door and letting me out.

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