The Software Malfunction

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"Why the heck is blondilocks here?" He had a much more grunter tone than usual and you couldn't practically see the anger just oozing off him. I stare back taking in his reaction of the whole ordeal - not amused myself by the sudden appearance of the blonde haired solider but still the anger had built up inside me causing the blood to boil in my veins. Shouting back at him I replied "I don't know Bucky, maybe he saw a fricking crisis and decided to help out !"

Bucky growled back at me in annoyance, "Alex did you even realised what you have just done" then suddenly it hit me, we were in stealth mode trying to come up with a plan and I had just roared at bucky. We raised our heads out to see if anyone had noticed and they had.

"Shit" we both look at each other, start to load our guns and begin to move out. I continue looking at my phone to see if the software had been downloaded yet but to my dismay it was only at 90%. I needed that software now, it was the only way for us to get out of this situation all alive.

I was ready for a fight, we all were but my heart sank when Sam saw us and bravely yelled "Man both of you two go, no one else here needs to get hurt"

Peter looked at Sam in disbelief but realised that he was doing what he thought was best, he begins nodding his head and looks to me "Alex thanks for being there for me, thanks for being the sister I never had now please go" you could see the fear in the innocent adolescents eyes, he beloved he was doing what was best for everyone on that rooftop. But the poor kid had to have known that we were never gonna leave him there.

I roll my eyes in disbelief at his statement , they really didn't know me at all "shut up guys we're not going to leave you here" the flag smashers gathered together on noticing our arrival pointing the newly advanced weapons directly upon us. With my heart in my mouth I quickly checked the programme again but still only 98% had been downloaded. I needed more time but we didn't have the option we needed to hurry. The flag smashers had no idea what this type of weapon could do, no one there did.

With each member of the other party gaining distance on us we quickly tried to increase the gap separating us gaining more time. John however quickly dove in like there was no tomorrow.

Noticing that one was about to pull a trigger on the weapon i scurried to the soo again and to my amusement it had been fully downloaded, I nod to Bucky to assure him however once the button was tapped to disengage the weapons an alert had appeared that it was overridden. No matter what I did to fix it, the weapons would not disengage.

Now that the last glimmer of hope had been shattered right in front of me I whisper "I love you" to Bucky who immediately notices the sadness in my pale skin. He knew there and then that the hope we had was lost.

We both charged at the flag smashers and continued to have one on one combat with each of them until one of them tripped me up causing me to collapse to the floor.

My whole back ached, I was in insufferable pain and was exhausted, we had only been fighting 5 minutes but my shortness of breath was taking over me - the feeling was all to familiar and it scared me.

Still lying on the ground, groaning in agony I was unable to move, my legs would not shift , they refused to hold my weight so every attempt to stand up was met with another collision to the floor. Bucky had noticed the pain I was in but was met with another attack every time he tried to get closer.

Sam and Peter were able to get out of the restraints they had been kept in but were still distracted by the flagsmashers unwillingness to back down.

The whole situation had became a complete shit show we each had someone to defeat and although our side looked stronger it didn't seem to turn out that way, it was almost as if they had became stronger but it was impossible, the serum vials had been destroyed. Unless they had been trained by someone, someone strong with super solider experience.

As I remained in the floor, watching the surroundings i begin to look straight in front of me to find the masked attacker had the weapon and it was pointed

Suddenly my life flashed before my eyes, all the good times I had , the bad times even all the sad times. Then I seen him , my dad. Arms folded nodding his head - his typical pose and all I could do was laugh because I was at peace. I would see him again I knew it. Suddenly the trance had been removed when I heard the screams of the love of my life. My eyes burst open looking towards him where 2 smashers held both arms keeping him back.

I look at him, tear filled bloodshot eyes whispering "it's ok, I love you" repeatedly until the trigger had been released and my eyes once again closed.

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