The Mascot

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Everyday for the last couple months, I've been waking up in states of panic, anxiety and guilt. But this morning I woke up wrapped around the arms of the man I loved, feeling safe and happy.

"Morning doll" he spoke softly, I had been lying on his arm with my face resting on his shoulder,

"Hey, how long have you been awake" I smiled looking up at him and seeing his sparkly blue eyes.

"A while" , he had been up for hours , I knew it.

"You shoulda woke me" I said tiredly

"Nah, you were peaceful sleeping, didn't want to interrupt your dreams , especially when they were about me"

I rolled my eyes. "Ohh you thought, my dreaming was all about you, aha actually that's in your dreams"

"Nah babe, just yours" he kisses me on my forehead and makes way for the shower.

"Ahhhhhhh" I scream at him as he looks at me before closing the door, then throw the pillow over my head, to shield myself from embarrassment, I could hear him laugh in the shower.

After a while he walks out with only a towel on, dripping wet, whilst I sat with my jaw wide open, I thought he was ripped before but now.

Wow, just Wow,

"Jeez, and I thought I took forever in the shower"

"Mhmm is that so , well if that's the case if you missed me that much when I was gone for those long awful 5 minutes you would want a hug"

"Well I really must thank you for the offer but unfortunately I must decline" i reply sarcastically hoping he'll drop the subject. But who am I kidding.

"Aww come, on you know I'm in the mood for a really big, long hug"

"Yea well I'm sure your best friend Sam would love one after last night, so I'll let you do the honours" I wink at him as I attempted to make the bed

He looked at me annoyed, " How many times do I have to say WE ARE NOT FRIENDS"


"That's it"

He jumps on top of the bed in an effort to try get close to me, "seriously I just made the bed" I moaned, I run straight out of the room shouting don't you fucking dare Buck" repeatedly.

He chased me around the house until we eventually made it back to the bedroom where I locked myself in the en-suite, "haha cant hug me now can you" until the bastard finds a coin and uses it to open the door from the outside.

"No, please don't Buck I mean it" I start stepping backwards ,until my back meets the steamed up tiled wall. (Shittttt) We both start laughing uncontrollably as he pulls me closer into his soaking wet body. We start kissing.

"I'm gonna kill you for this,"

"Shut up your enjoying it as much as I am"

I was.

A couple hours had passed, I had driven back home to gather a couple bits of clothes (dry clothes) before I arrived back to Zemo's house to find out that the fraud and his friend arrived.

Before I entered I heard words being shouted, it was obvious they were disagreeing over something,

"Are you actually serious, he's being taken back to the US immediately and being put in a maximum state prison!!" John shouts frantically

I dramatically slam the door open, throw my helmet on the nearest couch and shout

"He's not going fucking anywhere"

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