The Truth Part II

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Buckys POV

Seeing her again was hard, not a day went past where I didn't think of her , where I didn't call her name in the middle of the night when awakening from a nightmare.

I didn't know why she left, but I had never been the same since, when coming back from the dust and entering through the portal where the old avengers building used to stand , knowing I had to be ready for a fight but all I could do was look for her.

I didn't know if she was still alive, if she had went to dust, and even if she was still alive had she moved on.

Once I saw her fighting against the aliens like the badass woman she is, I was desperate for her to turn her head around so I could see her face , so our eyes could meet and then I'd know everything I needed , it was a connection we had we could tell everything the other was going through just by looking in their eyes. Once she turned around and looked at me I knew she still loved me like I loved her and it broke me that she had been living for 5 years waiting for me. We had both ran to each other but every time we took a step closer we were pulled 10 steps back by ferocious aliens attacking us from everywhere.

It had been nearly 6 years since she left Wakanda to go to her fathers wedding in New York (I wasn't exactly invited), she was supposed to come back the week after , and the minute she arrived at the airport to return back to me - that's when she saw the alien ship. She knew she couldn't leave New York when there were people screaming in terror, she knew she had to help.

That was one of the many things I loved about her , she was never selfish, always put herself out to help which was why I thought it was strange why she had just left out of the blue.

But seeing her last night at the bar her eyes gazed at mine and I could tell she was going through hell,(she was wearing a peroxide blonde wig for hells sake) she had a war going through her head and I knew that feeling all too well which was why I forced her to tell me everything tonight, I needed to help her the way she had helped me, and I knew exactly how.

But I was not ready for her to tell me that, worst case scenario I thought that she left because of me, and I was gonna feel like hell , another scenario was that I thought she suffered from PTSD and didn't want anyone to coo over her the way Steve had to me, she hated people looking after her , even if she was sick and all I'd do was get her a glass of water she would reply 'I'm an independent woman and I can get myself whatever I need' she could literally have no arms or legs and would still manage not to accept any help whatsoever.

Never in a million years did I expect her to leave because she thought not only I ,but everyone would hate her after finding out she had a chance to save her father she was only 28 years old at the time, she didn't need that weight on her shoulders. And god be dammed if she didn't let me help her this time.

She was looking at the ground , I had called her name a couple times but her face never shifted , she felt ashamed at what she had done, so I did the only thing I thought I could do to help her, i wrapped her in my arms and let her cry it all out, and once she was finished I was never gonna let her tear over that again, she was wasting tears at something she should have never felt ashamed about and I was gonna make sure she knew it.

"It's not your fault Alex, you are 29 years old for God sake no one would have ever expected you to"

She cut me off before i could finish.

"Yes they did Bucky that's what being an Avenger was for hell's sake putting your life at risk to save everyone else's and I couldn't even do that, Dad was right , I never should have become an Avenger if I couldn't even do something as simple click my dam fingers, Bruce did it without any hesitation why couldn't I"

"Bruce is a big angry green giant that you would find on the cover of a tin of sweet corn, his body had already been through hell and he fought it off , he knew he would survive had he had to do it again"

Alex POV
I laughed at Bucky mentioning the green giant from the can of sweet corn ,he had a came a long way from being cold and barely speaking a word to now coming out with jokes to try and make me feel better"

"There it is"

"What?" I looked up confused. Tears still streaming from my eyes.

"Well I was gonna say that laugh, but now you finally raised your head for the first time in the last 5 minutes and now I can see that beautiful smile of yours that I haven't seen in a long time"

I blushed.

"Nothing you did was your fault and i can guarantee you no one is gonna blame you for hesitating"

"Bucky" i looked up to him and stared at him with a disapproving look, "how would you know?"

"I took away my sister's father, she's gonna hate m..."

But I was interrupted.

Just as I was about to finish the sentence Bucky pulled his metal arm around my back and pulled me in , putting his normal hand on my face and smashed his lips against mine.

It lasted a good 10 seconds until I ruined it by saying

"what the hell was that for"

"It was the only way I could get you to shut up, now that it's happened I found it to be very effective"

I shot him another disapproving look.

He shrugged and replied "It's not like you didn't like it" whilst beginning to walk around to the living room and put the tv on.  Once he had a channel he sat at the nearest couch.

He rolls his eyes after continuing to look at me with the expression on my face,

"It was the only way I could get you to stop talking down about yourself and how you think everyone's going to react, its not going to be as bad as you think you know , and it's pointless your worrying about things that haven't happened yet"

He was right. But I wasn't gonna let him get the satisfaction of me knowing he was right.

"Just because your a 200 year old man doesn't mean your always right you know"

He smiles

"Wow look at you back to yourself again, hitting me where it hurts, just like the good old days"

"You mean when you had bricks for telephones and the latest invention was fire?" I smirked

I had already felt better than I had in the last 8 months and I knew this was his plan all along , he knew Sam wouldn't be here and he wanted me to be in safe place (well sorta) for when I told him what happened, it also helped that I couldn't bring my motorcycle inside.

"I'm 106 not 1006"

"Well you definitely don't look 106 so I thought it was the latter"

I stand behind the couch he sat on, after hearing the comment he sat up looking straight at me, "your gonna pay for that one" I rolled my eyes in laughter "as if" I replied, little did I know the couch was a recliner.

He pulled the lever making the front out the couch lift up meaning the back of the couch fell behind tripping me towards him where he grabbed me and pulled me on top of him.

"Hmm, I do believe I missed this view"

My head was shouting at me get the hell out of here now, right now but my heart said stay, so I did what any normal person would do in this situation , taking a page from his book I put my hands on his face and kissed him like I was addicted to his lips.

Until suddenly I heard voices behind the front door.

"Right now, seriously?"

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