chap chap 4

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(Wednesday, November 25)

"You're a seer, Reggie," Barty mumbled, shocked. That morning, in the great hall, Regulus has received a letter from the one and only; Walburga Black.

Regulus clutched the letter, his hand trembling. He hadn't said a word since, he read the letter, worried, Barty took the letter gently and read it.

"So, now what?" Barty asked.


"You can stay here, in Christmas break," Barty answered.

"You can come over to my house?" Barty said, trying to find a solution.

"Aren't you on good terms with your brother?" Regulus nodded slowly.

"Are you going to tell him?" Barty asked one again.
"Probably," Regulus drawled, vexed, he was still looking down at the letter in his hand.

"Well then go stay with him." Barty mused, "It's safer than staying here, I guess."

"Yeah." Regulus gave a short reply, as soon as he said that, he considered the conversation over. He slowly raised his head, looking up, out of the window.

November wasn't like December at all, it was just cold, windy and the sky was often exceedingly cloudy.

Regulus soon felt something hot in his hand, looking down, he jumped, startled. The letter was on fire. Panicking he dropped the letter on the ground.

He bent down, watching every small piece of the paper; turn grey, a characteristic black, and then to ashes, observing the oxygen from the air combine with carbon and hydrogen. Regulus wrinkled his nose, the carbon dioxide smoke did not smell pleasant, whilst the paper was burning, Regulus could still make out a few words;

Christmas, Expected, Proud, Forbidding, Dark, Blood traitor, Brother, and finally mark.

(yeah idk thought it'd be fun to learn something while reading this😩)

Eventually, the enchanted letter was nothing, but a pile of ash.

"Well, that was quite the show." Barty snickered, quietly, behind Regulus. "Blacks, dramatic as always"

Regulus stood up, his gaze remaining on the pile.

"I'm afraid I have to cut the tension short, we have class in 10 minutes. Let's go" Barty jokingly, moved forward and gestured his left arm in a slicing motion, between the pile of ash on the ground and Regulus's front.

"Really?" Regulus said, annoyed.
"Really," Barty repeated.

Barty and Regulus soon left the common to go to their first class, potions with some 7th year Gryffindors, but that wasn't a problem since now Slytherin's and Gryffindors got along just fine.

They reached the potions classroom, which was located in the dungeons, and walked in.

When the students that were settled in the potions classroom heard the door open with a creak, Their heads shot up looking at the door, is it a professor? maybe a professor asking for a student? no.

It was Regulus Black and Barty Crouch jr.
Arriving  fashionably late as they like to call it.

"Ah, Mr. Black and Mr. Crouch, how nice of you both to finally join us, mind explaining why you're both late?" Professor Slughorn looked up at them.

"Well," Barty started, but was cut off by Regulus.

"Better late than never, Professor," Regulus stated. Following a few audible gasps and snickers.

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