chap chap 22

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hi, i really missed writing them texting :(

{•Friday, January 7th•}

For the first time in his life, Barty was genuinely reading a book to pass the time.

Regulus sighed deeply and turned to face Barty, who was still engrossed in his reading, he narrowed his eyes at him. He sighed louder this time.

"What?" Barty asked, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Huh? oh nothing."

Barty rolled his eyes and went to his book, only to be stopped by Regulus's sighing once more.

He bookmarked his page and placed it next to him on his bedside table.

"Okay, now what?" He raised an eyebrow at Regulus.

"I'm just sad about Dorlene's breakup."

"I thought they were on break? not breakup?" Barty asked, concerned.

"Yeah, i really shipped them." Regulus was playing with his ring.

Barty squinted his eyes at Regulus, "They're back together aren't they?"

"About to be." He smirked.

•🦌🐀 🐾 🐺•

Marlene took a deep breath and finally gathered up the courage to knock on Dorcas's dorm room door.

"Did you grab extra pillows?" Marlene heard Dorcas yell from the inside.

"No, but i think i can help?" She inquired.

For a few minutes, Marlene didn't hear anything until she heard light shuffling sounds and the door slowly opened, showing a perplexed Dorcas who appeared to be on the verge of tears.

"Hey, um." Marlene said, taking a deep breath. "How are you? No, wait, that's a stupid question. uh."

"Repeat after me, I want to apologize." Dorcas remarked.

Marlene nodded, "I want to apologize."

"For being such a pussy, and running away from any kind of problem."

"For being such a pussy, and running away from any kind of problem." Marlene repeated.

"And for not explaining myself properly before doing so." Dorcas narrowed her eyes at Marlene.

"And for not explaining myself properly before doing so." Marlene adverted her gaze on the ground.

"And I promise, that if i ever had any problem with my relationship i won't be dumb, and will go confront my significant other about it."

Marlene nodded, "And I promise, that if i ever had any problem with my relationship i won't be dumb, and will go confront my significant other about it."

"You're forgiven." Dorcas with a shrug of her shoulders, she walked in and shut the door behind her.

"You're forgi- Wait, what?" Marlene couldn't help but do a happy dance in front of Dorcas's room as she glanced at the now-closed door.

"I promise, Dork, I promise." She said hoping that her girlfriend heard that.

•🦌🐀 🐾 🐺•

Regulus pulled out his phone, "And, yay, Dorlene's back together."

Barty shook his head, "Just like that?"

Regulus nodded, "Let's be honest they can't stay away from each other for that long, remember fourth year?"

"You mean fourth year as in, questioning year?" Barty chuckled.

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