chap chap 13

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•( Saturday, December 25th )•

"IT'S CHRISTMAS!" Sirius screamed with glee.
"Yeah, no shit," Regulus murmured softly, unable to equal his brother's vigour.
"Come on, I'm sure you're a little excited." Sirius gave Regulus puppy dog eyes and Regulus responded with, "I'm not, I want to sleep."

"You're boring." Sirius grumbled, crossing his arms, "And you just realized that now, why?"
"You're right, you've always been boring," Sirius stated tiredly and Regulus nodded.

"GUYS, IT'S CHRISTMAS!" James exclaimed from outside. Regulus smirked slightly as James walked into the living room, and replied, "Yeah, happy Christmas!" From the corner of his eye, he saw Sirius questioningly looking at him. James smiled at both brothers in response.

"I'm still tired and want to go to sleep," Regulus mumbled, James grinned and Sirius nudged him gently.

"Boys, breakfast is ready!" Euphemia called them to the kitchen.

"Yay." Sirius grinned, and Regulus raised an eyebrow at Sirius. "Right, okay."

•🦌🐀 🐾 🐺•

"Do I have to wear this, it irritates my skin. It's not even my size, look at the sleeves," Regulus said, looking down at Sirius's Christmas sweater that he was wearing.
Regulus lifted his hands slightly to demonstrate to his brother how his hands were hidden by the sleeves.

"You have to show some Christmas spirit," Sirius simply shrugged.
"I don't have to wear an ugly Christmas for some spirit, Sirius."
"You're wearing it, so shush."
"That's ridiculous."

"Hey guys, are you done yet? Barty's outside." James informed both brothers, Regulus gasped dramatically, "Okay, 'yay.'" Sirius simply rolled his eyes at Regulus as Regulus grinned.

Regulus exited the room and dashed through the hall, where Barty stood in the living room. "Hey!" Regulus exclaimed. "Oh hey, Reg, Happy Christmas!" he exclaimed cheerfully.
"Happy Christmas, Barts." Barty took out a red-wrapped gift from his pocket and gave it to Regulus, who instantly chuckled.

"I thought presents weren't your thing." Regulus remembered, Barty gave a sly smile and responded with, "They aren't, figured I'd return the favor."
"And how do you know I bought you a present?" Regulus smugly crosses his arms, "You literally told me that over text, the other day." Barty retorted, raising an eyebrow at his friend's false attempt to outwit him.

"Oh right, yeah." Regulus scratched the nape of his neck gently, well that's awkward.

"Anyways, what are you wearing?" Barty snickered slightly looking at Regulus's sweater, "Sirius said it's for 'the Christmas spirit.' Regulus air quoted.

"The Christmas spirit?" Barty repeated slowly.

"The Christmas spirit!" Sirius exclaimed from behind them, "The Christmas spirit?" James was honestly quite perplexed with what was happening.

Regulus simply just shook his head at how stupid this lot was sometimes.

"Well anyways," Regulus checked his raised his hand towards him checking his watch, "It's 4:34 p.m. so, what now?"
"what do you do on Christmas?" Barty shrugged as Sirius grinned even wider.

"Uh oh, I don't like this look," Regulus muttered under his breath.

•🦌🐀 🐾 🐺•

"Let me in! Let me in, please. It's too cold to exist." Regulus whined knocking on the front door, "Don't be such a baby, Reggie." Sirius rolled his eyes.

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