chap chap 14

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(a/n i'm way too tired to re-read this again so if there's any mistakes, don't be shy to point them out :))

"Okay, spill." Barty sat on Regulus' bunk, his legs crossed. Regulus was perplexed; he had no idea why Barty had dragged him to his bed.

"Spill, what?" Regulus asked.

"I need some Potter tea."

"Potter tea?"

"Sweetheart, are you dim? He gave you a ring."

"Oh, yeah he did." Regulus couldn't contain his smile whenever he looked at the ring.

"Yeah, yeah, that's cute and whatnot, but I need tea." Regulus asked, obliviously looking up at Barty, "Okay? go make some."

Barty slapped Regulus on the forehead, "Ow- What the fuck?"
"Good, now that you're with me, what the hell happened between you two."
"Nothing," Regulus said

"Did you guys talk about it?"


"Make out?"


"Kiss, then?"


"Okay, mind-blowing sex?"

"Bloody hell, Barty!"

"Help me out here, I'm struggling!"

"Nothing happened." Regulus grumbled, "Although...Never mind I think something did happen."

"Mind-blowing sex?"


•🦌🐀 🐾 🐺•

"Well that's he's totally gay for you, you're totally gay for him. So, mind-"

"Take this seriously!"

"Okay, okay." In a mock surrender, Barty lifted his hands.
"So, what's the problem?"
"I don't know how to tell him," Regulus sighed, "do I even tell him?"

"Of course you tell him, what even is stopping you?" Barty asked, confused with what the heck his friend was doing.

"I don't know, the author wouldn't tell me."

"Uh, what?"

"Nothing, it's just I don't know." Regulus sighed.

"Okay, get your phone out."

"Why?" Regulus raised an eyebrow.

"I'm gonna text him, duh."

"What are you gonna text him?"

"Chill, and give it to me." Regulus pulled out his phone and Barty took it in a swift motion.

soo like
one) happy christmas
and two) you need to get your shit together and go make out with the idiot you're in love with or something. its christmas

woah okay
you alright?

not at the moment
but that's beside the point

well now what

go make out with that oblivious guy that you're in love with

i can't

what, are you shy?

no, i just don't want things to be awkward between us.

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