chap chap 24

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damn it feels weird to be updating again- well anyways enjoy this one loves <3
(sorry if it sucks-)
(it does)

{•Monday, 7th february•}

"I'm about to leave you to rot in here, i swear to god." Barty sighed tiredly, looking down at his friend, who was still sleeping.

"Just 5 more minutes." Regulus waved his hand pathetically at Barty.

"Reggie you have been saying this since 7:30, it's 8:20 right now." Barty shook his head disappointingly.

"Yeah-" Reggie slowly fluttered his eyes open, "I'm up, i'm up."

"Wow, great, only took you 50 minutes." Barty said sarcastically, "Loving the character development."

"Fuck off."

"Hey, watch your mouth."

"Fuck no."

"You know what, i'm leaving. i've been waiting for way too long." Barty crossed his arms.

Regulus just lifted his head up and looked at his friend for a couple of seconds, who just stood there before starting again, "Well?"

"Well, what?" Barty raised an eyebrow at him.

"Aren't you going to leave..?" Regulus drawled slightly and Barty mastered the best 'how dare you' face ever at him.

"You were really thinking that i was going to go-" Regulus cleared his throat, "Oh no, Barty, wait, i'm sorry bestie. Don't leave."

"Because if you thought so," Regulus stopped for the dramatic effect, "Then you're absolutely correct i'll be ready in 10 minutes." He said before getting up.

Barty watched him run to the bathroom and just rolled his eyes at the closed door, before murmuring, "Idiot."

•🦌🐀 🐾 🐺•

"You know, it definitely did pay off though." Sirius shrugged his shoulder a bit, while taking a sip of his pumpkin juice.

"How does spending a whole Saturday afternoon reading fanfics, instead of doing homework pay off, exactly?" Remus, who saw sitting opposite of Sirius, said sighing in frustration, "That just got me a tad curious there."

"Well, Moonstone-" Sirius started,

"No." Remus pinched the bridge of his nose, "Anything but that nickname, reminds me of that one cliché muggle vampire series."

"Moony.." Sirius began, "Just go with it for once and leave that damn script alone."

"It's a good script though." Remus said, nodding towards the piece of paper in front of him on the table.

"Any...way," James interjected, not quite getting what was going on.

"Which way exactly..?" Peter asked, with furrowed brows.

"Agh. Hopefully not the...Straight way." Sirius pretended to shudder at that.

"Ah, that reminds me. Fanfics."

Remus looked up from the book he was reading as a bitterness crept into his face.

"What? Don't give me that disapproving look, Moonbear. Don't knock it till you've tried it."

"Oh for god's sake, Sirius! Enough of the fan fiction things. We're eating!" Lily scoffed at him.

"Eating.." Sirius smirked, while Lily just disappointedly shook her head at him.

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