chap chap 17

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•{Monday, December 27th.}•

"Wake up, Reggie. Wake up!" Sirius shook his brother awake, "No, leave me alone i'm tired it's too early in the gay."

"Yeah, same." Sirius snickered, "Come on, now. It's your birthday!"

Regulus didn't move.

"Ugh, jaMES, GET YOUR PRETTY ARSE OVER HERE, REG'S NOT WAKING UP." Sirius shouted and looked down at his brother, who was starting to stir softly before falling asleep again.

"You're a pain." Sirius sighed.

"Yeah? what's up?" James rubbed his eyes tiredly, "What's so important that you've had to wake me up at," He looked at the alarm clock on Regulus's bedside table, "Approximately, 8:25 in the morning."

"Reggie's not waking up," Sirius pouted, "It's his birthday today."

"Yeah, I know, but what do you want me to do?" James yawned.

"Wake him up, or something." Sirius declared, obliviously.

"Are you sure? it's too early. I don't think we want to deal with a cranky Regulus on his birthday." James reasoned, Sirius thought about it for a moment, "You're right,"

"Yeah, i always am." Sirius rolled his eyes, "Well then, i'm probably going to head to bed for a few hours."

"Yeah, everything's ready, right?" When James inquired, they had spent the whole night decorating the house and buying a cake for the now 16-year-old, as well as inviting some friends over.

"Yep, well see you in a few hours." After that Sirius left the room. James nodded and looked at the 'sleeping' Regulus.

"Is he gone?" Regulus murmured, James hummed in response.

"Happy birthday, baby boy."

Regulus hid his face in his pillow, "That was the worst one yet."

"Yeah, whatever you say, baby black." James grinned and left the room."

"You don't just give me butterflies, you give me the entire zoo while you're at it," Regulus sighed and rolled over. With his upper arm, he shielded his eyes.

(a/n i read this line somewhere but i can't remember where so credits goes to them-)


"You know i regret living, sometimes." Regulus exaggeratedly held his hand over his forehead.

"Yeah 'sometimes'" Sirius smiled sarcastically.

"I'm not going in there, i'm scared, what are you planning?" Regulus looked at Sirius nervously.

"Literally nothing, baby black, it's your birthday, ain't it?" Regulus nodded.

"I don't know, i don't trust you both." Regulus looked at them.

"Not even a little bit?" When James inquired, Regulus gave him a look that said, "Not at this moment." He took a deep breath and gently opened the living room door. He was greeted with a barrage of loud music.

In comparison to yesterday, the room seemed to be larger, with people dancing and having a good time. Regulus also saw some of his and Sirius' friends, including Severus.

"Weren't you guys enemies or something?" Regulus asked James.

"Well, yeah, but we made up." James answered.

"Hm, knowing sirius that's mature." James smirked.

"What can i say? i learned it from you." Regulus rolled his eyes.

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