chap chap 7

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James and Regulus made their way to the kitchens, they were located directly under the great hall, leading to the Hufflepuff basement.

James stood next to the kitchen door and held the door open for Regulus, "After you" James said, daringly, Regulus just rolled his eyes in response. He walked in and immediately noticed hundreds of elves on the shelf, the floor, cleaning since dinner was just concluded.

A couple of elves greeted Regulus and some even gave him a high five, which he happily responded to. James just stood there with a small smile playing at his features, looking at Regulus speak with some elves, even a few elves noticed him and bowed in response to his presence.

"How can I be of any service, master?" Asked an elf, James looked down at the elf talking to him, "Uhm well..may I have a cup of hot chocolate?—" James stuttered, "Two actually wait — make them three." James blinked stupidly, the elf nodded slowly and went to fetch the hot chocolate.

James looked up and saw Regulus already looking at him, trying to muster the most relaxed face as to restrain himself from bursting into fits of laughter. He cleared his throat and looked up at James again, this time a snicker escaping his mouth.

"You're so indecisive" Regulus observed, "Why three, though?"
"Well...Moony gets cravings?"James replied, uncertainly.

"I'll never understand these weird nicknames, you guys have for yourselves,"
"We were in fifth year, give us a break" James defended, quickly, he wasn't going to explain why they have these nicknames, pretty sure he doesn't really know how to.

Before Regulus had the chance to reply, the elf was already making their way back to the two standing boys, with a silver tray, placed on it were three hot chocolate mugs, that were steaming, and besides them laid a chocolate frog.

Regulus noticed how the tray was looking quite hefty for the elf, he reached out and politely took the tray from them, muttering a "Thank you" which the elf repeated broadly.

Regulus made a waving gesture towards James's way, as to say 'Our job here is done, come on.' James quickly got the message and held the door open again for Regulus to go through it. Regulus walked at a small pace, focusing as to not drop the three cups he was holding. James didn't mind, he was patient.

Anything for Regulus.

When the little turtle scene was over, they started walking in the corridor, back to the Gryffindor tower, they saw a couple of Hufflepuffs walking around and going to the kitchen, he didn't really think much of it, their dorms were literally located by the kitchen.

Lucky mfs.

They walked in awkward silence, where James was trying to start a conversation and Regulus not listening, and instead focusing on the tray, he was holding.

"Want me to hold that for a bit?" James asked, Regulus's palms turned a bit red in seeing as he was holding the tray firmly. Maybe a little too much.

"No it's okay, I can handle it," Regulus responded, almost instinctively.

This is Regulus Black we were talking about he wasn't one to show that he couldn't do something. Also not something as stupid as holding a tray. It wasn't heavy. He wasn't weak.

James seeing how stubborn Regulus can really be, he reflexively reached his hands out and slowly held the tray away from Regulus. Regulus saw no point in trying to take it back, he was probably going to end up with it falling and breaking the cups, not to mention the mess.

"I could've handled a few cups, you know." Regulus huffed, he was annoyed, and embarrassed, he could do it.

"I know you could, I just wanted to help my Baby Reggie, is that wrong?" James lied, realizing what he said his face broke into a smug smirk, Regulus raised his eyebrows slowly at what James said, and looked away after noticing his face burning a bit.

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