Puppy (Zardy x Fem!Reader)

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Requested by @RedzyCloudy, enjoy!

Just for a bit of clarification on things you may not understand in this fic, you need to play or a see a playthrough of Zardys Maze because it isn't just an FNF mod, it's a legitimate game.


Y/N was visiting the countryside with her family, it had been a long ride and Y/N needed to go use the restroom, especially her puppy who was also coming along, Creampuff. It was a cute little yorkie puppy she sat in her lap. Who knew how much pee they had in them for that 5 hour trip. 

As they pulled over just to rest a bit, she asked "Mum! Me and Creampuff need to use the toilet!" She said "Sure, doll. But if you don't find a gas station near, come back. It's getting late."

Y/N nodded and opened her door, sprinting out of the car with her small dog. It ran with her too, going after it's master. As they say, dog's are mans best friend! Y/N let her dog do it's thing for a minute and then they went off to find a restroom for her.

They walked for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, then 15 minutes. The walk was getting tiring. There wasn't even any road signs or any buildings in the road they'd stopped in. What was this place anyways?!

The sky was starting to turn a beautiful shade of oranges and yellows mixing into a light blue, as the moon started to take the night shift. 

'Crap.'  Y/N thought as she carried her animal companion. She then paused as she walked past a place called "Zardys Maze", fairy lights seemed to light the outside of the field as acres and acres of corn seemed to stretch out beyond it. Probably another tourist trap.

She walked into the maze. At the entrance was a shed, probably what she thought was a restroom, and the entrance to the Maze. Y/N sat down Creampuff  "Stay, now don't go running off now you little rascal." She commanded, stepping into the shed.

In the shed was only a bucket, a flashlight, and a large pair of what seemed to be gardening shears. Since there probably wasn't gonna be another stop, she used the bucket and came out of the shed.

After Y/N finished powdering her nose, she went outside and her dog was gone.

"Creampuff! Creampuff! Where are you, boy!" She yelled, trying to look for him. She heard the faint sounds of barking coming from the maze start point.

'God. Mom's gonna kill me.... Here goes nothing!" She confidently thought, going back into the shed and grabbing the flashlight. It was a handheld that gave a nice amount of light, so she didn't have to be worried about being blinded.

Y/N walked amongst the crunchy, probably dead, grass. There were faint, but very silent barks. Every so often she'd see big weeds, tall and sprouting out of the ground like beanstalks, almost flower-like. It'd take a lot to just get past one, she shoulda brought those shears with her. 

Man, it was dark in there. She began to tense and freeze up as she felt a presance in front of her. There was a tall pole, probably for electricity coming up from the ground, a tall, skinny man? Maybe a thing? was wearing what looked to be a white masked with 3 obscure carvings. Y/N pointed her flashlight at it, and before she knew it she got lunged at by the figure screaming and running for her life in there.

She ran into another giant weed, she didn't have enough energy to bring down another one so she sifted through the corn, finding another pathway. Y/N heard a loup 'yip yip!', it was definitely her pet.

Y/N landed in a pumpkin patch, dirt and pumpkin seeds covered her knees as she realized she'd smashed one. She got up, looking at the other perfect, untouched pumpkins. They all were glowing, having choppy, childlike carvings in them.

The girl looked around, checking her surroundings, and suddenly she saw a pumpkin-like figure with the same glow and marks as the ones in patch, jump across half the feild coming for her.

The figure grabbed at her legs, scratching them up as she winced and yelled, she kicked at it, smashing it's head open and pumpkin juices all over her clothes. She got up, scared for her life.

"Creampuff...please come out...It's me...Y/N

I'm scared, if you come back right now i'll give you a treat...please.."

Her words became more desperate as she limped and cried, just trying to find her dog. She wouldn't know what to do with herself if her precious Creampuff was dead, or caught by one of those strange people. 

The barks and yapping got louder and louder, but she couldn't find him no matter where she went.

Finally, Y/N gave up. She settled down in the tall corn sobbing and crying. She was cold, hungry, her parents were probably looking for her, worried sick, and she lost the only friend she'd ever had. She was stuck in a maze filled with murderers and she wouldn't see the light of day ever again.

She felt herself growing faint, the lights were going out. Was she finally feeling the sweet release of death? No, she wasn't.

Y/N woke up in a place she hadn't seen before, it was a ring of those big weeds, she was laying down on a soft tuft of what seemed to be hay. She heard a familiar 'yip yip!' as she came to, it was her dog.

She was beyond happy to see him, no words could express her joy. "Ah, I see you're awake, mistress." A voice said.

Y/N frantically inched backwards as a scarecrow in a tall hat came up to her. He had a shiny, long hoe that looked perfect for impaling someone. "D-Don't hurt me!" She exclaimed.

"Dear, you're mistaken. I couldn't hurt a fly, well maybe I would hurt a fly, but you get the point." He said, his voice low and soothingly calm. "I'm Zardy, by the way. This little thing was chewing up my corn and making a mess of things, so I took him in." Creampuff ran up to the tall scarecrow, licking him.

"Well... Mister Zardy, if that's your real name. Why did you take me..?"

He got up, patting Creampuff on the head. "You were sitting in my corn and your legs were covered in blood, dirt, and pumpkin seeds. You got it all over my precious plants!" He said. "Don't get me started on the weeds. If you weren't cute, I'd be putting your corpse in the dirt as fertilizer. But anyways, you were beat up and sometimes kids like you need a little bit of healing."

Y/N didn't know what to feel, butterflies in her stomach from being called cute or sickness in her stomach from the thought of being turned into fertilizer.

"I'm sorry my friends gave you trouble, mistress." 

"M-My names Y/N, Zardy sir.." 

"Y/N, that's a beautiful name."

Her dog jumped into her arms panting happily as a faint light came upon the horizon, it was already turning day. "Seems like it's time for you to go." He said rather sadly. 

Zardy picked her up, Y/N seemed to blush in his grip. "I'll remember you, Y/N." Before she could reply he was already gone, and she was at the front of the place, where she'd came.

As she walked out, she was pulled aside with an earful from a familiar face. "Young lady! Do you know what time it is?! Me and your father were worried sick! And look at the state of you. Were gonna have a long talk when we get back home." It was her mom.

She couldn't care less about her punishment. As she hopped back into the car, she watched as the same Zardy she'd seen before turned into nothing but a plain old scarecrow.

She couldn't wait to see him again.

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