𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 4.

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The other men came to pick him up and they dragged him back to the chair.
His eyes were open so they knew he was conscious.

"It's wearing off." Cyra's father stated when he saw her confused expression.  "Take him to his cell!"  He suddenly ordered. The original plan wasn't to keep him in a cell. But they couldn't be so sure of him yet.


Cyra walked into the hallways where all the cells were. At the end of the hallway she saw a light so she kept on walking until she got to the end of the aisle.

Two guards were standing in the front. She didn't even have to say anything as they just automatically opened the cell for her.

The soldier was sitting on the ground with his head dropped.

Cyra stood in front of him stomping hard to get his attention and it worked. He was still a little out of it as he struggled to look up.

She looked around the cell with no bed, only one small bathroom.

"Sergeant Barnes." She spoke to him.

He didn't respond, just kept looking at her with those tired eyes frowning a little. It wasn't an angry frown, more like hurt.

She held her head up high,analyzing him.

And then his eyes dropped back to the ground.

The Winter Soldier mode was still wearing off.

"If something goes wrong let me know." Cyra told the guards before she stepped out of the cell,leaving.


It was around 1am when Cyra was sitting in the camera room

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It was around 1am when Cyra was sitting in the camera room. She was still watching the soldier. He was just sitting on some box where his stuff was the whole time. Not even moving.

"You need to stop with this sneaky shit or next time I won't purposely miss." Cyra said without having to turn around.

"Yeah sorry." Noah said slowly walking up to her. He placed his hands on her shoulders. "What is that fool doing?" He asked.

"Absolutely nothing." She raised an eyebrow,titling her head to the side a little when the soldier on the screen took a deep breath and his head dropped to hypnotize the ground again.

"It should have been me who got the serum. I should have been the second Winter Soldier! We've been training together ever since we were fucking  eleven." He cursed shaking his head.

Cyra just sighed,rolling her eyes.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"What I always want." He suddenly whispered near her ear as if he forgot about the serum and the whole Winter Soldier title.

Cyra kept looking at the screen for a second before actually standing up. Noah felt immediately intimidated but he tried to play it off. There was always this dominant energy radiating from her. The way she stood so straight and confident, her silver eyes piercing right through him and her eyebrows always furrowed.

If Cyra ever genuinely smiled or laughed, it was considered to be a very rare moment.

He extended his arm slowly grabbing Cyra by her waist,testing the waters  and she gave in.

Crushing her lips onto his as the make out session started. He picked her up and placed her on a small table that was right next to the door.

Cyra started unbuttoning his uniform with her metal arm as the kiss became more sloppier. She pushed the unbuttoned uniform shirt back, making it fall onto the ground. He then moved his lips down to her neck and she tilted her head to the side to give him better access, looking from behind his shoulder at the camera screen. Her gaze once again fixating on the broken soldier locked in a cell.

 Her gaze once again fixating on the broken soldier locked in a cell

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Cyra was sitting in her father's office waiting for him. She looked around the room getting bored when she saw a picture on his table. She walked over to to the table picking the picture up. It was him and few of his friends from the army. Under the picture was a file and on the front page was written Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes. As she was about to pick it up a voice interrupted her.

"Chto ty delayesh'?" (What are you doing?)

She heard her father say from behind her. She didn't turn to look at him,just gently put the picture down on the soldier's file.

"You were taking forever." She said and turned around.

"How is Barnes?" He asked and passed by her before he sat down behind the table.

"He's a bit out of it but doesn't remember anything about his past."

"Otlichno." (Excellent.)  He mumbled before continuing, "You know, creating you two was the best thing to ever happen to this corporation. Together, you will have the world trembling in fear. Everyone will know better than to mess with HYDRA." 

Cyra narrowed her eyes. Even the imagination of that was incredible. Something she had always craved for. Something she was created for. To destroy.

"Don't dissapoint me." He looked at her harshly. His eyes were just like hers. Silver,cold and empty.

"Nikogda, otets." (Never, father.)

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